ionic-cache-src icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ionic-cache-src copied to clipboard

A Ionic Plugin for caching, works for any tags, and will show a progress circle when the download is not done


I will try to spare my time to work on a ionic2 version in typescript.

in the 0.7.2

  • Add encode option for URI
  • Roll back watch to observe
  • Find issue for old android causing the fileTransfer failed, if so don't cache.

in the 0.7.0

  • Now support Video and Audio Tag
  • Fix Bugs from several issues
  • Add more examples
  • Demo and Example:
    • Ng-repeat
    • Collection Repeat
    • Video


Just change src to cache-src

    <img alt="" cache-src=""/>

and it will take the rest work for you.





  • bower
bower install ionic-cache-src
<script src="lib/ngCordova/dist/ng-cordova.min.js"></script>
<script src="cordova.js"></script>
<script src="cordova_plugins.js"></script> <!-- This one is optional -->
<script src="lib/ngstorage/ngStorage.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/angular-svg-round-progressbar/build/roundProgress.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/ionic-cache-src/ionic-cache-src.js"></script>
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file cordova-plugin-file-transfer
  • add ionic-cache-src to your angular module declaration dependencies
angular.module('myApp', ['ionic','ionic-cache-src'])
  • Done

How it Work

very simple strategy


Custom the progress circle

it accepts all options for angular-svg-round-progressbar , except for current

Change src

<img cache-src="" src-is="alt" />

will be rendered to

<img alt="file://xxx/xx/xxx.jpg" />

not so useful though.

Background image

<div  cache-src=""
src-is="background" >
<!-- stuff -->


<video id="video" width="400"  controls  cache-src="" src-is="poster">
    <source cache-src="" type="video/mp4">
        Your browser does not support HTML5 video.


<img alt="" cache-src="" expire="{{60}}"/>

Set expiration time to 60 seconds. At the next page load and directive linking, this cache will be renewed if 60s passed. But there wouldn't be progress circle, the image will be replaced after the newly downloaded file is ready.

The expiration time is Infinity by default.


    <img alt="" cache-src="" encode-uri="false"/>

CordovaFileTransfer encodes URL by default, but some urls don't need. See this issue #17

Custom background style

<div  cache-src=""
background-style="no-repeat center"
background-loading-style="url('path/to/your/loading/image.gif') no-repeat center"
<!-- stuff -->
  • background-style will be used as
<div style="background:url('image/url') {{backgroundStyle}}">
<!-- stuff -->
  • Default background-loading-style is url('lib/ionic-cache-src/img/loader.gif') no-repeat center

Inline progress circle

By default the progress circle is a block div, here is source code.

function makeProgressCircle($scope, $compile) {
    return angular.element($compile('<div style="{{circleContainerStyle}}"><div round-progress  max="max"  current="progress"  color="{{color}}" bgcolor="{{bgcolor}}"  radius="{{radius}}"  stroke="{{stroke}}"  rounded="rounded" clockwise="clockwise" iterations="{{iterations}}"  animation="{{animation}}"></div></div>')($scope));

So you could change its style using circleContainerStyle

<div class="list">
    <a class="item item-avatar" href="#">
        <img cache-src=""
        <h2>inline progress circle</h2>
        <p>Test Progress Circle as inline block</p>


<img cache-src="" on-error="onError" on-start="onStart" on-finish="onFinish" on-progress="fun" />
function onError(err){}
function onStart(originUrl){}
function onFinish(naiveUrl){}
function onProgress(number){}

Note that the OnProgress and OnStart will only be called if a download is needed.

Work in broswer

It will works in browser with a mock download process.

For local file path

The plugin will download and cache the file if the url is http, https or ftp, otherwise it won't.

So it works for local file path, or base64 etc...


This plugin store cache info as $localstorage.cache_src = {RemoteUrl:LocalUrl}, and there is a factory you could used to access the cache:

module.controller('Ctrl', function(cacheSrcStorage) {
    cacheSrcStorage.get('url') // === the local cache path for 'url'

which you can use to access the cached file


              .set({key:value}); // set option

Key, Value for options like

  • srcIs

  • onError for global use etc...

  • showProgressCircleInBrowser whether show progress circle in browser

  • showProgressCircleInDevice whether show progress circle in device

  • interval browser mock progress circle period, by default 200.

  • options for progress circle angular-svg-round-progressbar

  • backgroundStyle and backgroundLoadingStyle

  • circleContainerStyle

  • expire

  • Anything you like, if you use custom progress indicator.

Note that the in-tag config has the higher priority than $cacheSrcProvider

Use custom progress indicator instead of built-in progress circle

Use callback

uiOnStart, uiOnProgress, uiOnFinish

You could take reference of the default source of this three functions, which implements the progress circle, and write your custom progress indicator.

To use your own uiOn* functions

              .set('uiOnStart', myUiOnStart)
              .set('uiOnProgress', myUiOnProgress)
              .set('uiOnFinish', myUiOnFinish);



Because of , the ionicPlatform.ready may fail from exception. If you encounter this problem, Add

<script src="cordova_plugins.js"></script>

solve it.


For android, you may need to add this

<preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Internal" />

to your config.xml, as mentioned in #10. Otherwise the image won't be loaded, and no error console.log.


When using live reload, you’re actually running the assets off the computer and not the device

You will get an error: Not allowed to load local resource, but it will only occur when livereloading.

iOS 9 NSAppTransportSecurity

Because iOS 9 forbids arbitrary http request, you may add


to you .plist file. Details in this gist: