Matthew Lutze
Matthew Lutze
I am fine with `empty` and the `java_*` stuff.
They all have to do with effect handlers, it seems.
```scala enum WithIndex[a](a) instance Iterable[WithIndex[a]] with Iterable[a] { def iterate(rc: Region[r], x: WithIndex[a]): Iterator[(Int32, a), r, r] = { let WithIndex(y) = x; Iterable.iterate(y) |> Iterable.zipWithIndex } } ``` The...
```scala enum IterableFactory[a, ef, r](Unit -> Iterator[a, ef, r]) instance Iterable[IterableFactory[a, ef, r]] { def iterate(rc: Region[r], x: IterableFactory[a, ef, r]]): Iterator[a, ef, r] = { let IterableFactory(f) = x;...
Safe, no. Useful, yes. We should hide them behind ugly syntax but they should be available IMO
d2f d2i d2l f2d f2i f2l i2b i2c i2d i2f i2l i2s l2d l2f l2i
Not good enough! I don't remember what I needed this for, but I needed something that corresponded to Java casting exactly.
> > I needed something that corresponded to Java casting exactly > > Oh right, clamp is different. But still we could have `Int64.chopToInt32` that uses modulo and things, we...
What's this?
We had them in the back-end at one point. I think it was my first Flix PR to add the check actually. We moved the checks to type classes when...