Marc Udoff

Results 84 comments of Marc Udoff

Thanks for the explanation and examples!

So the problem I am trying to solve is when I change zoom/center on the map, it update my reflux store so other components can filter on it. Similarly, when...

Finally got it working! At the end, I was seeing that message because although data was changing, I had a typo in my connector so my zoom/center were not getting...

We have been working on this in - take a look and let us know what you think.

In the short term, we think it makes sense to live in its own extension as we are still perfecting the experience. Down the line, it could make sense to...

+1 for baking this into `jupyter_server`. Feels like a great feature to have out of the box, especially if it includes per kernel!

Bumping this issue. It would be good to be able to serve static assets via nginx/apache as we could pre-compress them and use HTTP2 (which tornado does not support). One...

@goanpeca was working on this for some of our use cases. > If significant, we could add a configurable that makes that a bit easier to deal with (and defaults...

From what I have seen, it's very rare to have an error. If you wanted to push this forward without waiting for, you could use fastjsonschema and if that...