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Finite Element Modeling (FEM) Code: Python Tools, Field II Intensity Field Solution, LS-DYNA Pre/Post Processing

Results 32 fem issues
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lots of benefits, including labeled dimensions, easier plotting routines, etc.

Refactor / Technical Debt

`setup.py` builds `ext_modules` using `cmake`, which currently requires `swig` to be available to do the build. Need to make the swig-based build optional (i.e., it doesn't *have* to build the...


1. Right now can only apply face node-only BCs; need to also be able to flag edge node BCs w/o needing to use PMLs or non-reflect segs 2. Clean up...

Refactor / Technical Debt

1. Docstrings for input arguments (e.g., `sigma`) are lacking. 2. Need to explicitly test / warn the user that `sigma` should only be two elements when the Tukey window is...

Refactor / Technical Debt

can i update at least the two example folders under compress_cube and gauss_qsym_pml to 1) point at the singularity container created by OIT and 2) have bash wrapper scripts that...

Right now the `disp.dat` binary file that is created is a bit of a legacy since most data is now being access via HDF5 or ParaView (PVD). The `create_res_sim.extract3Darfidata` method...

Feature Request
Refactor / Technical Debt

# The XML schema The XML schema produced by the program indicates that data should be read from the xdmf2d.h5 file. The mesh is 2DSmesh indicating that the mesh is...

Feature Request

A few structure types look for elements that fall within certain spatial criteria by iterating through all of the nodes. This would (probably) be much faster using some logical masks...

Refactor / Technical Debt

Branch `mlp6-thermal` has two files that have hard-coded adaptations for face heating simulations: `field2dynaFaceHeating.m` and `makeFaceHeating.m`. These could either be incorporated into the existing `field2dyna.m` and `makeLoadsTemps.m` or simplified to...

Feature Request