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Time-based job scheduler for Apache Mesos

Rhythm Go Report Card Travis CI


  • Support for Docker and Mesos Containerizers
  • Integration with HashiCorp Vault for secrets management
  • Access control list (ACL) backed by GitLab or LDAP
  • Cron syntax
  • Integration with Sentry for error tracking
  • Command-line client (Documentation)
  • Support for Linux and OSX

Life cycle of a Job

  • job - periodic action to perform (e.g. database backup).
  • task - single run (instance) of job. If task fails and job allows for retries then new task will be launched.

Job is always in one of the following states:

  • idle - either job hasn't been scheduled yet or its last run (task) was successful.
  • staging - task (job's run) has been scheduled to run in response to received offer. Job moves to this state in parallel with sending to Mesos request to run task.
  • starting - executor has learned about the task but has not yet started to run it.
  • running - task (job's run) begun running successfully.
  • failed - last job's task aborted with error. Failed job can be retried up-to maxretries times.

job life cycle

Running the server

Rhythm server can be started with:

rhythm server -config=/etc/rhythm/config.json

Server is configured using file in JSON format. By default config.json from the current directory is used but it can overwritten using -config parameter. List of available configuration options is available here.

Documentation for server API is available here.

Command-line client

Rhythm binary besides running in server mode provides also CLI tool. To see the list of available commands use -help. There is also interactive client with auto-completion.

Address of Rhythm server is set either via -addr flag or RHYTHM_ADDR environment variable. If both are set then flag takes precedence.

Authentication method is set either via -auth flag or RHYTHM_AUTH environment variable. If both are set then flag takes precedence. Possible values are gitlab or ldap. No method set means no authentication.

To not enter GitLab access token every time, use update-token command.


Provides basic information about state of the server.


$ rhythm health -addr https://example.com
Leader: true
Version: 0.5
ServerTime: Mon Nov 12 20:15:49 CET 2018
$ RHYTHM_ADDR=https://example.com rhythm health
Leader: true
Version: 0.5
ServerTime: Mon Nov 12 23:53:11 CET 2018


Shows configuration and state of job with the given fully-qualified ID.


$ rhythm read-job -addr https://example.com group/project/id
State: Idle
    Last start: Mon Nov 12 20:17:22 CET 2018
Scheduler: Cron
    Rule: */1 * * * *
    Next start: Mon Nov 12 20:18:00 CET 2018
Container: Docker
    Image: alpine:3.8
    Force pull image: false
Cmd: /bin/sh -c 'echo $FOO'
    FOO: foo
User: someone
    Memory: 1024.0 MB
    Disk: 0.0 MB
    CPUs: 1.0


Shows tasks (runs) of job with the given fully-qualified ID.


$ rhythm read-tasks -addr https://example.com group/project/id
Status:         SUCCESS
Start:          Wed Nov 14 23:38:51 CET 2018
End:            Wed Nov 14 23:38:51 CET 2018
Task ID:        group:project:id:7eb8d4fa-f133-4880-9840-f8f62d3d06b2
Executor ID:    group:project:id:7eb8d4fa-f133-4880-9840-f8f62d3d06b2
Agent ID:       18fd8e84-9213-4f51-9343-bae8b9c517fe-S0
Framework ID:   18fd8e84-9213-4f51-9343-bae8b9c517fe-0000
Executor URL:   https://example.com:5050/#/agents/18fd8e84-9213-4f51-9343-bae8b9c517fe-S0/frameworks/18fd8e84-9213-4f51-9343-bae8b9c517fe-0000/executors/group:project:id:7eb8d4fa-f133-4880-9840-f8f62d3d06b2

Status:         FAIL
Start:          Wed Nov 14 23:41:06 CET 2018
End:            Wed Nov 14 23:41:06 CET 2018
Message:        Reading secret failed: Get https://example.com/v1/secret/rhythm/group/project/foo: dial tcp [::1]:8200: connect: connection refused
Reason:         Failed to create task
Source:         Scheduler

Status:         FAIL
Start:          Wed Nov 14 23:43:06 CET 2018
End:            Wed Nov 14 23:43:06 CET 2018
Message:        Reading secret failed: Get https://example.com/v1/secret/rhythm/group/project/foo: dial tcp [::1]:8200: connect: connection refused
Reason:         Failed to create task
Source:         Scheduler

Status:         FAIL
Start:          Wed Nov 14 23:51:04 CET 2018
End:            Wed Nov 14 23:51:04 CET 2018
Task ID:        group:project:id:504d8c5c-f4d1-41f6-8797-c608bee7195b
Executor ID:    group:project:id:504d8c5c-f4d1-41f6-8797-c608bee7195b
Agent ID:       18fd8e84-9213-4f51-9343-bae8b9c517fe-S0
Framework ID:   18fd8e84-9213-4f51-9343-bae8b9c517fe-0000
Executor URL:   https://example.com:5050/#/agents/18fd8e84-9213-4f51-9343-bae8b9c517fe-S0/frameworks/18fd8e84-9213-4f51-9343-bae8b9c517fe-0000/executors/group:project:id:504d8c5c-f4d1-41f6-8797-c608bee7195b
Message:        Container exited with status 127
Source:         SOURCE_EXECUTOR


Remove job with the given fully-qualified ID.


$ rhythm delete-job -addr https://example.com group/project/id


Add new job specified by config file.


$ rhythm create-job --addr=https://example.com echo.json


    "id": "id",
    "group": "group",
    "project": "project",
    "cpus": 1,
    "mem": 1024,
    "cmd": "echo $FOO",
    "user": "someone",
    "env": {
        "FOO": "bar"
    "schedule": {
        "cron": "*/1 * * * *"
    "container": {
        "docker": {
            "image": "alpine:3.8"


Modify job with config file containing job's parameters to change. Can we launched with either one arguments or two. If one argument is set then it must be path to job config file which contains also job's group, project and ID. If two arguments are set then first one must be fully-qualified ID (e.g. "group/project/id") and second one path to job config file. Only parameters form config file will be changed - absent parameters wont' be modified.


$ rhythm update-job --addr=https://example.com group/project/id diff.json


    "user": "root"
$ rhythm update-job --addr=https://example.com diff.json


    "group": "group",
    "project": "project",
    "id": "id",
    "user": "root"


Schedule job with the given fully-qualified ID for immediate run. If job is already queued (scheduled but not launched yet) then command will be no-op.


$ rhythm run-job -addr https://example.com group/project/id


Show IDs of jobs matching FILTER.

FILTER can be one of:

  • GROUP to return all jobs from group
  • GROUP/PROJECT to return all jobs from project
  • no set to return all jobs across all groups and projects


$ rhythm find-jobs --addr=https://example.com
group:project:id Idle
group:project:id2 Idle
group:project2:id Running
group2:project:id Failed
$ rhythm find-jobs --addr=https://example.com group
group:project:id Idle
group:project:id2 Running
group:project2:id Failed
$ rhythm find-jobs --addr=https://example.com group/project
group:project:id Idle
group:project:id2 Idle


Update (or set) authz token. Used to save token so subsequent commands requiring authorization won't require to enter token every time. By default it stores token on disk in the ~/.rhythm-token file but it can be changed via the use of token helper.


$ rhythm update-token


Start interactive client. To see list of top-level commands press tab or space key.


$ rhythm client