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Results 63 bbs-go issues
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test env ```bash bbs-go version v3.1.3 mysql docker image --->mariadb/server:10.4 ``` what i did ``` topic/create ---> 发表主题 ``` log info ``` (/bbs-go/server/repositories/topic_repository.go:69) [2020-06-26 09:27:03] Error 1364: Field 'type' doesn't...

在bbs-go管理系统(admin)中的内容管理模块文章置顶功能未实现,点击置顶按钮时,报xxx.setSticky is not a function错误,该功能是不是要收费的?

Bumps [async]( from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4. Changelog Sourced from async's changelog. v2.6.4 Fix potential prototype pollution exploit (#1828) Commits c6bdaca Version 2.6.4 8870da9 Update built files 4df6754 update changelog 8f7f903...


Bumps [async]( from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4. Changelog Sourced from async's changelog. v2.6.4 Fix potential prototype pollution exploit (#1828) Commits c6bdaca Version 2.6.4 8870da9 Update built files 4df6754 update changelog 8f7f903...


A security vulnerability in bbs-go. Details in the [document](, the password has been sent to [email protected].

刚在别的论坛看到一个专栏的功能,里面有一系列专门的文章,用户可以订阅这个专栏。 感觉从内容组织上,这种方式挺不错。 bbs-go能否考虑支持这个功能。

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