Michał Lipok
Michał Lipok
you can assign this issue to me
Should we also get information about shadow roots ?
I solve this with this code: ```autoit If $s_FireFox_Binary = Default Then $s_FireFox_Binary = _WD_GetBrowserPath('firefox') If Not FileExists($s_FireFox_Binary) Then If FileExists(@LocalAppDataDir & "\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe") Then $s_FireFox_Binary = @LocalAppDataDir & "\Mozilla...
also we can add `If FileExists(@LocalAppDataDir & "\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe") Then` as an additionall check in case when registry entries doesnt point you to existen file.
I notice that my Chome is located: `C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe` As I have Chrome 64bit version I start to wonder why this is not `C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe` EDIT: the sam with...
So we should not look everywhere. > I think there is a need to check if file exist, and in case of not existen file returned by `_WD_GetBrowserPath` there should...
I will add `$_WD_ERROR_FileIssue` but I agree and I will follow you recomendation: > then be sure that it doesn't change the existing functionality (ie: you can set an error...
I plan to take a look on this in next few days
> If you do decide to add this, then be sure that it doesn't change the existing functionality (ie: you can set an error code, but the registry path should...
IMHO if the registry had an empty string as the path, then it should be marked as **@error** as the user expects that on success you will get a valid...