Michał Lipok
Michał Lipok
And this are correct result. If you want other example provide another website where desired element is located in inner frame.
> OIC. I misinterpreted the results by assuming that "null" was incorrect. So I assume that now you understand that 'null' is correct result as this is exact location for...
> * I'm still trying to understand the "Use Case" for this function. When non advance user is using HTML DOM structure in browser DevTools to find element by XPATH...
btw. Even I have sometimes problem with localizing the element in HTML DOM context . Of course I find them but it should be easier, and for this reason I...
> * How do you plan to handle multiple matching elements? Hidden / disabled elements? Multiple matching is good point. And will be added soon in this PR. Firstly I...
> * I find the function name misleading. Have you considered any other names (ie: something like `_WD_ElementContext`)? My observation: - The au3WebDriver UDF is using `Frame` in fucntion names...
> * I'm still trying to understand the "Use Case" for this function. try to use: ```autoit _WD_Navigate($sSession, "https://www.tutorialspoint.com/html/html_frames.htm#") _WD_ELementExist($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByCSSSelector, "li.nav-item[data-bs-original-title='Home Page'] a.nav-link[href='https://www.tutorialspoint.com/index.htm']") ```
`_WD_FindElementFrames` is the best.
> It's been a while since I've had to work with frames, but IIRC I always located the frame first with _WD_FindElement and then passed the Element ID to _WD_Window...
> * I'm still trying to understand the "Use Case" for this function. So is it now clear to you what is the purpose of this function ?