inference copied to clipboard
CM error: Extracted TensorRT folder does not seem proper - Version information missing!
I'm getting this new error for tensorrt framework bert inference implementation on grace-hopper 200:
Here is the output:
Apptainer> cm run script "get tensorrt _dev" --tar_file=/my/path/TensorRT-
INFO:root:* cm run script "get tensorrt _dev"
INFO:root: * cm run script "detect os"
INFO:root: ! cd /tmp/001/CM/repos/local/cache/e217b3c0efc44d75
INFO:root: ! call /tmp/001/CM/repos/mlcommons@cm4mlops/script/detect-os/ from
INFO:root: ! call "postprocess" from /tmp/001/CM/repos/mlcommons@cm4mlops/script/detect-os/
INFO:root: * cm run script "get python3"
INFO:root: ! load /tmp/001/CM/repos/local/cache/5126da4b74e84019/cm-cached-state.json
INFO:root:Path to Python: /usr/bin/python3
INFO:root:Python version: 3.10.12
Untaring file - can take some time ...
CM error: Extracted TensorRT folder does not seem proper - Version information missing!
Apptainer> nvcc --version
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2024 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Thu_Mar_28_02:24:28_PDT_2024
Cuda compilation tools, release 12.4, V12.4.131
Build cuda_12.4.r12.4/compiler.34097967_0
I intend to run this command:
cm run script --tags=run-mlperf,inference,_r4.1 \
--model=bert-99 \
--implementation=nvidia \
--framework=tensorrt \
--category=edge \
--scenario=Offline \
--execution_mode=valid \
--device=cuda \
--quiet \
Any hints?