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LambdaBuffers toolkit for sharing types and their semantics between different languages
As @jaredponn said in for more context see
This feature completes the Plutus package with LB Json support which enables users to exchange these types across language boundaries. TODO - Extract CTL plutus-ledger-api types in a separate repo...
@t4ccer Alright, I have first maybe bug. If I have ``` sum NftMarketplaceRedeemer = Buy | Cancel ``` and run it through `lbf-plutus-to-plutarch` and try to compile, I'll get a...
The `lbr-plutarch` reimplements PMaybe, PEither, PList which will confuse users that already have to deal with Plutarch's equivalent types in Scott and PlutusData form.
One does not simply recurse in Plutarch. My raw lambda calculus skills are not at the level where I'm just popping out fixpoint based terms so let's get back to...
Similar to [`dev-prelude-haskell` and `dev-plutustx`](, we would like a convenient way to play around with purescript modules generated from lambda buffers schemas
Loosely, the problem is that the `.json` configuration file is not sufficiently expressive to tell the code generator to "find the class implementations at some package." For details, see the...
This issue collects some internal discussion regarding possible improvements to the parsing stack. [Slack discussion]( identified the following tasks (discussion has been summarized): 1. Iterate on syntax in the current...