Michael Kuzmin
Michael Kuzmin
What’s the profit? How are you going to use this?
Supporting additional CLI options seems a minor feature, I don't see real use cases for it yet.
Here is a real pain point: Having large text files included into parameters by `file()` function or `template_file` provider, it becomes extremely difficult to understand what exactly is changed in...
Can you solve this issue by using a hierarchy of Terraform modules, instead of copying files by a build tool?
The bug in Vagrant core is still there, I've just checked 1.8.4. If you don't use `vagrant share` feature, then deleting the plugin helps: ``` rm -rf /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-share-1.1.5/ ``` I'll...
depends on https://github.com/vmware/rbvmomi/issues/34
not a fork: https://github.com/nsidc/vagrant-vsphere/blob/master/vSphere.gemspec#L17 But we will need a new release of rbvmomi itself. Thank you for this work!
Also look at `vagrant-vcenter` plugin.
Look at this: http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/multi-machine/index.html
``` gem uninstall bundler gem install bundler --version="~> 1.6.0" ```