Michal Kuratczyk

Results 63 comments of Michal Kuratczyk

~Sorry, I think I jumped to a conclusion here. The process that takes so much memory is the `input` queue, not the `dlq`. Given that, my theory that we are...

@illotum @johanrhodin could you please test the [cmq-optimisations branch](https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/tree/cmq-optimisations), also available as an OCI image `pivotalrabbitmq/rabbitmq:cmq-optimisations-otp-max-bazel/`? For me it roughly doubles the publish rate during the first phase of the...

One more thing worth sharing: ultimately the problem is that we don't use publisher confirms when internally publishing to classic queues (which is what happens during dead-lettering). I came up...

I have made one more commit to the branch to bring back some parts I removed previously, as it showed some performance regression with larger (not embedded) messages. I will...

I can confirm that it happens for me as well. Operator's logs show that it keeps reconciling the services which explains why a new port is getting assigned over and...

You don't need any overrides for that. This is sufficient and works correctly for me: ``` apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1 kind: RabbitmqCluster metadata: name: nodeport spec: replicas: 3 rabbitmq: additionalPlugins: - rabbitmq_stomp...

Ok, until we fix this issue, I can suggest two workarounds: 1. Services of type `NodePort` are visible as `:spec.ports[*].nodePort` (what you are trying to do) but also as `.spec.clusterIP:spec.ports[*].port`...

I wonder under what circumstances this would be actually used. The quote from [RabbitMQ docs](https://www.rabbitmq.com/feature-flags.html#version-compatibility) is not necessarily an argument for a check like this - we might as well...

Hi. Rebalancing and maintenance mode are used: https://github.com/rabbitmq/cluster-operator/blob/main/api/v1beta1/rabbitmqcluster_types.go#L76-L80 https://github.com/rabbitmq/cluster-operator/blob/main/internal/resource/statefulset.go#L620 As for version version checks, we keep coming back to this discussion but it's not implemented yet. Have you run into...

Can you give some examples of `documented incompatible versions in rabbitmq`? This issues is here because we realize the day will likely come when we need to implement that. However,...