Martin Kuemmel
Martin Kuemmel
Right. I think I understand.
It should work. There are some comments on that ion the release notes for 0.11 and downwards (-->0.8):
Dear Henry, not knowing what you want to do, SE++ is integrated into LODEEN/EDEN-2.1, meaning in all the EDEN-2.1 compatible VM's or dockers or whatever you automatically have SE++ available...
> > I would be more consistent to either making measurement images mandatory also for AutoPhotometry or (re-)introducing using the detection image for AperturePhotometry when there are no measurement images...
Aperture photometry on the detection image is possible. The name for the aperture parameter and the output-properties point to the detection image.
I stumbled again over this one, meaning I was wondering why a job did not start until I remembered this issue. Shall we fix this one variable to 1 to...
A long discussion in a telecon revealed different opinions on how to proceed: * doing nothing since from a computational point of view everything is okay; * forcing users to...
Yep, I think we sometimes tried to solve this on a small scale with dependencies and then errors. I think the more options we have and the more new branches...
I am getting kind of desperate about this issue. In the last weeks I really tried a lot: - using different fitting models (Sersic, PSF, Disk+Bulge); - using different PSF's...
As discussed in the telecon, I ran the dataset with 3 different PSF models (Gaussian, psfex, coadded PSF). The offsets are similar in all three cases. In another test I...