Mairead Shaw
Mairead Shaw
Hi @smasters11, can you provide me with some more information about your model and data? What's the structure of your dataset (run `str(data)`) and what model(s) you ran?
Can you post your model definition here? For example, this is the model from the r2mlm documentation: `model_lme4
Great, thanks for bringing this to my attention! I'll look into it.
@smasters11 I think I've fixed this particular issue. Can you try installing the development version of the package by running `devtools::install_github("mkshaw/r2mlm", ref = "refactoring")`, then `library(r2mlm)`, and then run your...
Okay, cool, this error I'm more familiar with! See here: Are your predictors (ZQ4.2Gender + ZQ4.5Gender+ ZEnergyAgenticGender + ZEnergyComGender) all numeric (not text-based)? And as you can see at...
> energy3 data = data2, > random = ~ 1 | School, na.action=na.exclude, method="ML") @smasters11 What's going on here with the variables `ZQ4.2_Gender` and `ZEnergyAgentic_Gender` -- are those interaction variables...
@smasters11 Can you also share what operating system and version of R you're using? I just tried to replicate this error and couldn't.