Mairead Shaw
Mairead Shaw
Does anyone know how to share a google doc file that has people request access to view? I don't want to create an anyone-can-edit link, but I don't have your...
Let me know if this works, barebones outline:
Thanks all for reporting this. I'll have more time to look into it at the beginning of December. Apologies for any inconvenience. Has anyone tried the `r2mlm_manual()` function? Might just...
I think missing data causes this -- are there 8 NA's somewhere in your data? If so, what happens if you run the following: ``` Mido_1_na
Let me know how it goes!
@Christy-Y-Wong How are you running your lme4 or nlme code? I believe they already do listwise deletion as a default.
@jweir48 That's correct; segment must be numeric.
@Christy-Y-Wong I believe `lme4` already does listwise deletion behind the scenes. See [this explanation on ResearchGate]( and [this one on StackOverflow](
@bhui I haven't seen that error before. Are you able to send me some reproducible data and code?
Hi @nathgeig, can you tell me what you tried/what error you got? `r2mlm` works with tibbles for me; it converts tibbles to dataframes automatically using ``.