3DMPPE_POSENET_RELEASE copied to clipboard
Questions about evaluation on Human36m dataset?
hi, thanks for your great work!
I'm confused about the evaluation on the H36M dataset. If I don't misunderstand, the predicted root-relative pose should add root depth predicted from RootNet to get the final estimated absolute pose, which is then aligned to root to calculate the Protocol 2 MPJPE.
So it is not clear for me in the below code. Why do you add the ground-truth root depth before back projecting to the camera coordinate system? It seems that this evaluation process uses additional GT root information and is not fair when comparing to other methods, like Sun (ECCV'18).
Looking forward to your reply! Thanks in advance!
gt_3d_root is from here, which is the output of RootNet.
oh, got it! There is no problem! Thank you again!