Matthias Krack

Results 54 comments of Matthias Krack

I suggest to try the current cp2k release version [2022.1]( instead of a three years old release.

Seems to be resolved.

Yes, I added `-D__MPI_F08` in the arch file [Linux-gnu-x86_64.psmp]( So, I understand that this flag is not (yet) working with MPICH and GNU v11 to v13 because of compiler bugs.

Yes, MPICH 4.0.3 is working fine. The issue is about MPICH 4.1+ which requires obviously mpi_f08 for compilation. We will need mpi_f08 as default in the future to have CP2K...

We could make `mpi_f08` the default for MPICH > v4.0.

A possible workaround to get rid of that warning is to set [PREFERRED_DIAG_LIBRARY]( in the `&GLOBAL` section to `ScaLAPACK` ``` &GLOBAL PREFERRED_DIAG_LIBRARY ScaLAPACK ... &END GLOBAL ```

That information is not sufficient for giving any hint. Provide the full toolchain output and the `config.log` file from the ELPA build.

I think Jürg's proposal is worth a try, since it has some pros, If I got his idea right: - It would allow performing several tests (tags) concurrently with a...

If testing and the collection of key results will become a combined feature, then there is, of course, no need for a `-D__REGTEST` compile flag.

If I just follow the instructions in [](, I get immediately the error ```CMake 3.22 or higher is required. You are running version 3.20.4``` Is CMake v3.22 really required? Is...