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Lua bindings for Qt4 by Mauro Iazzi
void QHeaderView::sectionCountChanged ( int oldCount, int newCount ) [signal] This signal is emitted when the number of sections changes, i.e., when sections are added or deleted. The original count is...
QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::createIndex ( int row, int column, void \* ptr = 0 ) const [protected] Creates a model index for the given row and column with the internal pointer ptr....
QList QMdiArea::subWindowList ( WindowOrder order = CreationOrder ) const Returns a list of all subwindows in the MDI area. If order is CreationOrder (the default), the windows are sorted in...
void QAbstractItemView::startDrag ( Qt::DropActions supportedActions ) [virtual protected] Starts a drag by calling drag->exec() using the given supportedActions.
void QAbstractItemView::setSelection ( const QRect & rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags flags ) [pure virtual protected] Applies the selection flags to the items in or touched by the rectangle, rect. When implementing your...
State QAbstractItemView::state () const [protected] Returns the item view's state.
void QAbstractItemView::setState ( State state ) [protected] Sets the item view's state to the given state.
This is a known problem and caused by changes in Qt 4.8 It used to work fine prior to that.
The Phonon library is not compiled because it is commented in CMakeLists.txt due to various dependency problems. (This is fairly high on my personal wishlist since it would mean lqt...
void QAbstractItemView::commitData ( QWidget \* editor ) [virtual protected slot] Commit the data in the editor to the model.