pabot copied to clipboard
Jenkins - Pabot generates wrong links to screenshots in Report.html
I have a issue regarding link to screenshot included in Report.html. Latest version where links were correct: 1.2.1.
I run my tests on Jenkins using command line:
"xvfb-run -s '-screen 0 1366x768x24 -ac -nolisten unix :$DISPLAY' pabot --processes 8 --verbose --artifacts png --artifactsinsubfolders --ordering Parameters/PabotFiles/Smokes.pabotsuitenames --output Smokes.xml --log LogSmokes.html --report ReportSmokes.html --argumentfile Parameters/Batch_And_Jenkins/parameters.args --include Smokes */*/*/*/*Smokes.robot"
If I want to see the Robot results in Jenkins I have to use robot plugin (pipline in groovy) to match files:
robot logFileName: 'LogSmokes.html', otherFiles: 'Screenshots/*.png', outputFileName: 'Smokes.xml', outputPath: '/home/jenkins/workspace/tests/Smokes', reportFileName: 'ReportSmokes.html'
Example link to Report.html: (works good) https://jenkins-url/view/3_TEST%20environment/job/Smokes/118/robot/report/Report.html
The path to screenshots are generated like as Report.html: https://jenkins-url/view/3_TEST%20environment/job/Smokes/118/robot/report/Screenshots/selenium-screenshot-Suites.Smokes-1592663080.png
Since 1.3.0 version the link for screenshot is: (without robot/report path):
It means I cannot see the screenshots from Report.html. (expects "robot/report" in path so I need to correct links manually).
Could you take a look on this?
@mkorpela any advice on this?
I found the reason in this bug: It means this keyword from SeleniumLibrary is useless if someone wants to use pabot. Nevertheless, my reported issue it's a duplicate.
Bump. Any news on this?