Marcel Kornacker
Marcel Kornacker
(I'm running this on Ubuntu.) I was expecting the following code snippet to print a single file addition, but path_generator doesn't return anything. I might be missing something obvious... ```python...
python -m pytest -v pixeltable/tests/ NOS crashes [nos-logs.txt](
2023-08-13 10:21:20.233 | ERROR | nos.common.system:sh:20 - Failed to execute command: nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name,driver_version,,, --format=csv While this is harmless, it can confuse users.
The tests in test_component_view are pretty slow, presumably because frame extraction is pretty slow. Instead of relying on actual videos, we should generate a "video" that contains all-black frames, which...
This is what the logs say: =================================================================================================== FAILURES ==================================================================================================== ___________________________________________________________________________________ TestDataFrame.test_to_pytorch_dataloader ____________________________________________________________________________________ self = , timeout = 5.0 def _try_get_data(self, timeout=_utils.MP_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL): # Tries to fetch data from `self._data_queue` once for...
At the moment, all computed media values are stored in ~.pixeltable/media. Instead, the user should be able to specify a storage destination when creating the table/column, like so: create_table('new_tbl', {'video':...
Today, Client.create_view() requires specifying the schema plus a filter. Instead, also allows Client.create_view(df: DataFrame), which uses the select list and the where clause of the df to construct the view....
1. fps parameter: - make_video() currently produces videos at a fixed 25 fps. - instead, it should accept an optional parameter (default: 25, or maybe 30) 'fps' which will be...
Pixeltable is currently using psycopg2, which is obsolete.