admob-openfl copied to clipboard
In iOS, google throws a message and do not show ads
Three weeks ago, when I installed admob-openfl, it was fine, I could see ads in iOS simulator.
Today I have tried to compile and run it on Simulator and iPhone4. I don't see any ads and log terminal gives me this on iPhone:
<Google> To get test ads on this device, call: request.testDevices = @[ @"f608f152b8b49866843a7f14a6a6b72c" ];
and this on iOS simulator:
<Google> To get test ads on this device, call: request.testDevices = @[ GAD_SIMULATOR_ID ];
But I didn't choose to run it in test mode - I pass "false" as "test" argument in AD.init()
function. What could be wrong there?
Google library always prints this message when started on simulator (even if it's already in test mode). Probably real ads dosen't display because of issues described here -
But it does show banners in Android. The same game, but compiled for iOS - does not show banners. Although it did a couple of weeks ago.
Maybe something is changed there by Google network? Have you tested iOS version yourself lately?
Yes, I've tested it just now. Everything seems to work fine.
I have installed fresh Mac OS X, thought maybe I damaged something during these last weeks. Then I installed everything from scratch, and still no ads are shown. But lib is compiled into app, because I see these google warnings. In the same time I mean, did you try to compile the iOS app recently? (not "have you tested a iOS app recently, which was compiled long time ago" :) )
I compile it for Android - it shows ads. I compile it for iOS - (the same ad id) - it doesn't show anything.
OK, is there at least any method of debugging this? How can I access error message?
Google didn't change anything about their SDK so it should be ok. Only way of debugging this is by reading the Xcode debugger output.
I don't know if it's correct to use the same ad id for both Android and iOS app. I registered two different IDs for those two platforms and it works.
I had the same problem with ads not showing in IOS but they didn't show up only at Bottom.
I don't want to get test ads, how could I get my own ads from AdMob unit ads id ?
Hm, I also got this issue. The problem is that: I have an application, that already integrated admob and it work perfectly. I clone this app to a new one, but on the new app, admob does not work. I double check admob configuration (app_id and ads_unit_id), I am sure everything is ok. The test ads works but when I build for releasing, it always throw error "no ads shown". I dont think the problem is about my configuration.