fileicon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fileicon copied to clipboard

macOS CLI for managing custom icons for files and folders

Results 6 fileicon issues
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```bash Cannot modify '/System/Applications/': you do not have write permissions. ```

Volumes can have a custom icon set by creating `/.VolumeIcon.icns`, where `/` represents the volume root. Currently fileicon will set volume icons as it uses AppleScript, but it will return...

With the switch to the new API, icons no longer respect aspect ratio. Is it possible to implement the code mentioned at to correct this?


Hi, with the 0.2.0, my icons when applied have a lighter color than the original one. (top original, bottom applied) ![image]( ![image]( Attached you find both icons if you need...

help wanted

(apologies for the cmake question, but since image related, perhaps someone here has experienced this) Has anyone found a way of using this with CMake's CPack for DragNDrop, TGZ, or...


Get a file or folder's custom icon takes a little over two minutes on my Mac Studio! What could be the problem? (fileicon v0.3.1)
