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A collection of Shiny applications (links shared on Twitter)
A collection of links to Shiny apps that have been shared on Twitter.
Table of Contents (alphabetically by app name)
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
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- AaltoAltmSince2007 by ttso: Some (alt)metric data for Aalto University articles published since 2007
- aaltodimensions by ttso: Citations and OA full text availability of Aalto University publications 2015-2017
- aaltovirta by ttso: (Alt)metrics of Aalto University publications in VIRTA
- ab-test-calculator-bayes by onlinedialogue: Having trouble explaining confidence levels to your colleagues and managers?
- Abbreviator by sahelanth: Abbreviation List Maker
- abs_census2016_incomes_visualisation by virusme: ABS Census 2016
- acciones by jesusyoel: MERCADO DE CAPITALES EN VENEZUELA
- acsCounty by jasonajones73: Mapping ACS Data
- ACSExplorer by brandonkopp: ACS Explorer
- actionbutton by gallery: actionButton example
- activity-dashboard by winston: Activity tracker
- ACTRInterference by engelmann: Similarity-based interference in sentence comprehension
- acwc-2020-fantasy by etychang: AC World Championship Fantasy Competition
- AD_prediction by kanli: Dynamic Prediction of Future Health Outcomes and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
- adaptR by cjbattey: adaptR:
- adavis by gokhan: adavis
- adjacency_plot by mdlincoln: Adjacency matrices
- admin by www:
- Administration_Departures by matthewmorriss: Cabinent Agency Evolution
- advancedr_jbook by teramonagi: Amazon Rank
- advrquiz by hoxom: R言語徹底解説クイズ
- AEMRExplorerShinyApp by johnyagecic: Wastewater Treatment Effluent Nutrient Explorer
- afazali5 by afazali: DIDAT
- afheritability by afheritability: The attributable fraction and the heritability
- AFLW by petehaitch: AFLW Explorer
- Afraus_app by afraus: Afraus
- AgeGuesser by wangfan8: Age_Guesser
- AgeStructureShiny by johnyagecic: Input Variables
- Ahput4 by wyquek71: Ahput 2.0
- ai-banker by samitheberber: AI-Banker
- aircrash_ by tianyigu: Aircrash Insight
- aircrashes by arthur: Aviation data
- AirportSecurity by davidruvolo: TSA Air Marshal Data
- AirQuality-Data-Analysis-App-v11 by manuelblancovalentin: AirQuality Data Analysis App v11.0
- Alcohol_admissions by stevenlsenior: Alcohol-Related Hospital Admissions
- ALCS_Dashboard by cso-of-afghanistan: The Afghanistan Living Conditions Survey
- alex-course-project by alevashov: Comparing Big 4 Australian banks tweets
- algo_diversification by robotwealth: Algo Diversification
- all-complications-should-count by grattan: Hospital complications calculator
- AlleghenyCrashes by laurenrenaud: Allegheny County Crashes
- alleleFrequencyApp by jamesware: Frequency Filter
- allsvenskan by erik-andreasson: Allsvenskan
- alpha_variance by kk-gds: 降水量の一般化分散
- alphasimrshiny by alphagenes: AlphaSimR
- alternative_media_sources_in_afd-centered_facebook_discussions by bachl: Figures for “(Alternative) Media Sources in AfD-centered Facebook Discussions”
- altm2015top100 by ttso: Average metrics by country
- altm2016top100 by ttso: Average metrics by country
- altmpolicy by ttso: Click to select items to table below. You can also zoom in/out
- AMADA by cosmostatisticsinitiative: AMADA Web User Interface (v0.2)
- AmazingBirds by gatesd: 10 Amazing Birds
- ames-explorer by gallery: Ames Housing Data Explorer
- amphitheaterelevations by sfsheath: Roman Amphitheaters
- analisis-candidatos-diputado-2017 by pdelboca: Candidatos Córdoba 2017
- andromeda_shock_bayesian by benjamin-andrew: ANDROMEDA-SHOCK Bayesian Re-Analysis
- Anova by drkhaled: one-way ANOVA sample calculator by Khaled Alqahtani @alqahtani_khald
- anova_shiny_rstudio by gallery: Sums of squares in ANOVA
- anscombe by thisisnic: Exploring Anscombe’s Quartet
- Anscombes-Quartet by mangothecat: About
- ant_collective_decision by sjmgarnier: Collective food source selection in ants
- APIM_MM by davidakenny: Actor-Partner Interdependence Model
- APIM_SEM by larastas: The Actor Partner Interdependence Model
- APIMeM by davidakenny: Actor-Partner Interdependence Mediation Model
- APIMPowerR by robert-ackerman: APIM Power
- APIMPowerRdis by robert-a-ackerman: Power Analysis for the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model
- AplusB by graham-wheeler: AplusB: A + B design investigator for phase I dose-escalation studies
- aportesprivados by ekonos: Filtros
- App-1 by actuarialanddataanalytics: Reserve(ML)
- App-1 by gabrielareto: Palette Extractor
- App-1 by jerryaoverton: DXC’s Business Model Simulator
- App-1 by murilofm: Ilhas de votação - Eleições de 2014 [2o turno]
- App-FashionOnTwitter by powchow: Fashion on Twitter
- app-gui by zedoul: Prototype: Gang of Four
- app1 by darrendahly: What % of females should I expect, given these differences in the sex-specific normal distributions of techiness?
- app_cellcycle by david-systemsforecasting: CellCycler
- app_HLL by rivm: Prototype dashboard sensoren Hollandse Luchten
- app_rentorbuyer by david-systemsforecasting: RentOrBuyer
- AppCC by pawelmatuszewski: Tematy
- apple_watch_dashboard by raviolli77: Apple Watch Dashboard
- application by mounabelaid: Mona’s up 1: Create your wordcloud
- AppOnline by colombian-schools-geodata: Station Lookup
- AppPredPerf by gvinue: Forecasting basketball performance
- appShiny by alvarobusot: Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Fat Percentaje (BFP) and ideal weight
- AppTypeIPower by vasishth: Type I and Type II error in the Normal distribution
- aqua-mapping-dashboard by sfg-ucsb: Aquaculture Mapping Dashboard
- aranoisy by jlgroup: AraNoisy
- arbrenadal by ubidi: Configure your SIGNIFICANT christmas tree (beta v.1.0)
- archidart by plantmodelling: archiDART
- arewerepresented by wandernat: Are We Represented?
- ARPsimulator by jepusto: Alternating Renewal Process Simulator
- arsef_hypocreales_mapping by lovettbr: Geographical Distribution of ARSEF Hypocreales
- arxiv_topicmodels by polyphant: Topic Modelling astro-ph
- asashootingapp_development by asashinyapps: ASA Database
- ascvd by sanjaybasu: ASCVD
- askmusic by askmusic: Understand the risk of prostate cancer
- Assignment_Part1_files by a6111e: Gross Domestic Product App
- assist_networks by lbenz730: College Basketball Assist Networks
- Association_Categorical by istats: Association Categorical Variables
- asymptotics by ukacz: asymptotics & the behavior of large sample sizes
- atheist_rate by willgervais: Direct and Indirect Atheist Prevalence Estimates
- atlas_nacional by medea3: Atlas Nacional de Mortalidad en España
- ATP-Tennis-Player-Ranking-Forecast by bigtimestats: BigTimeStats Tennis
- ATRmap by tree-ring: Map of tree-ring labs
- ausemploymentflows by timcameron: Australian Monthly Employment Flows
- AusGovInfo by marcuspaget: Disaster Events
- Auswaertstor-Siegchancen by datakicks: Siegchancen nach dem Hinspiel in der Champions- oder Europaleague
- AutomatedForecastingWithShiny by pmaier1971: Economic Dashboard
- autosmry by bruce-meng: autoSmry
- AVbingo by hayle: Animal Sound Bingo
- avian_stochcrm by dmpstats: Avian Stochastic CRM
- B-VBGM by fishecology: B-VBGM! Bayesian Von Bertalanffy Growth Model
- baby_names_shiny_appy by ronammar: Popularity of baby names in the USA since 1880 (data from SSA )
- babynames by justmarkham: Baby Names by Birth Year
- babynames-master by bsuthersan: Baby names
- babypower by langcog: Statistics and Power Analysis in Infancy Research
- BabyPredictor by mikebirdgeneau: Birdgeneau Baby Predictor
- bachelorsPHD by d-miller: Bachelor’s -> PhD rates
- BacktestVaR by cfrm: Value at Risk Backtest
- bakkenExplorer by enfinexplorer: Bakken Explorer
- BARDA_sepsis_study by lippincott: Sepsis among Medicare beneficiaries
- barplotNonsense by stekhoven: Why barplots are (often) nonsense
- BaseballStats by malter61: Baseball Runs Potential Analysis by Mark Malter
- basic by thomassiegmund: Basic usage of D3TableFilter in Shiny
- Basic_Values by rudnev: Basic values in Europe
- basics-vis by fgeocomm: Data Visualization Basics
- basicShiny by dreamrs-vic: Bienvenue dans l’application basic sur les R Addicts !
- basicstats by jalapic: Exploring Data
- bayes by patrickbarks: Bayesian inference for a population mean
- Bayes-App by ldberriz: Bayesian Clinical Diagnostic Model
- BayesCalculator by ahalterman: Getting to Donbass
- bayesNeuro by sapsi: Estimativas para estudos caso-controle
- bayesonline by matthewmatix: Easy Bayesian data analysis online
- Beatles_Live_Perfomances by lebryant126: The Beatles’ Live Performances from August 1960 to August 1966
- BECon by redgar598: BECon
- Bees-Needs-App by cjschwantes: Bees Needs Interactive Data
- bencana by bencanavis: BencanaVis
- bensinkalkulator by enerwe: Bensinkalkulator
- Beta61 by tokyofoundation: 推計結果
- beta_maker by blackfist: Beta Parameter getter
- BeyondEPV by mvansmeden: This is a BETA version
- bifor by aglhurley: Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
- billboard by reisanar: Songs from Billboard Top 100 List (1960 to 2015)
- bioenergetics4 by bioenergetics4: R Fish Bioenergetics 4.0
- biopsy_nomogram by canarypass: PASS Risk Calculator
- Biostatistics_Review_Times by jhubiostatistics: Biostatistics Review Times
- bird_beauty_quiz by boecul: A couple quick questions before you start
- bird_map by alex-baransky: 2016 US Bird Range
- bird_vocal_scaling by wilkins: Bird Vocal Scaling
- birdsong_beauty_quiz by boecul: A couple quick questions before you start
- birthday_app by spholmes: Random Birthday Applet
- black-white-life-expectancy by corinne-riddell: Explore the black-white life expectancy gap in the United States
- blogimpact by wilkinsondi: Blog Impact
- BMOP by cawthron: Blue Mussel Oversettlement
- boardgame_reco by larrydag: Boardgame Recommendations
- BoatRunExplorer by johnyagecic: DRBC Delaware Estuary Water Quality (Boat Run) Explorer
- BookRecommendation by philippsp: Book Recommender
- books by runzemc: Recommender for New York Times and NPR best-sellers, and Goodreads ‘books that everyone should read at least once’
- boot-perm-dash by mattkmiecik: Bootstrapping and Permutation Testing
- bootci by istats: Bootstrap Confidence Interval for a Parameter from a Single Population
- bootLRshiny by abfriedman: Diagnostic test statistics from a 2x2 table
- BoredPanda by rahulsinghania: Bored Panda
- boston_police_incidents by vlandham: Boston Police Incident Data
- bostonsolar by tcb-analytics: Beantown Solar: The Future Never Looked So Bright
- botornot by mikewk: {TweetBotOrNot}
- Bots by itaysisso: Making MTurk Great Again
- boxplot by gallery: Boxplots & Histograms
- brain_gene_expression by amckenz: Brain cell gene expression data
- BrewTourAnalytics by derekqiu: Brewery Explorer
- BrownianMotion by abichat: Simulation of Brownian Motion
- brutalizeR by bfrickert: A Satanic Study of Time Series Variance
- bs4DashDemo by dgranjon: bs4Dash Showcase
- BTCmining by canaan: Bitcoin Mining Profits
- btshiny by dgabbe: Bicycle Tire Pressure Optimizer
- bud1 by econdata: Budget of the United States Government
- Build-A-Bayes by cidlab: Build-A-Bayes
- building_ols_intuition by evangelinereynolds: Minimize sum of squared residuals (‘Manual OLS’):
- bulmaExtension by dgranjon: Inputs
- BumpCharts by data-slinky: College Rankings Bump Charts
- BurghsEyeView by pittsburghpa: Burgh’s Eye View Points
- BurghsEyeViewParcels by pittsburghpa: Burgh’s Eye View Parcels
- BurghsEyeViewTrees by pittsburghpa: Trees N’At
- burn-hurt by johnson: 八仙塵爆分析
bus_simulator by
marcus: Beat the Trend
- The Domino Bus Group
- Business_Dashboard by reacfintools: Business Dashboard
- BWB_ontwikkeling_Japanse_fruivlieg by udenvh: Activiteit van de Japanse fruitvlieg
- CA_municipal_finance by tgwhite: Municipal Finance in California
- calculator by severetesting: Severe Testing
- calculusofconsent by tarko: Calculus of Consent
- calendar_shinyio by phoebewong: Statistics of My Meetings
- CaliforniaSchools by dmaust: California Schools
- cambio-de-hora by pabrod: ¿Cómo me afecta el cambio de hora?
- cambridge by mikabr: Cambridge Municipal Election 2017
- CampaignPlanner by win-vector: Response Driven Campaign Planner
- cantaroazul by capitalsustentable: ¡Nos mudamos!
- CanvasAccess by nercompshiny: Content Access Analytics
- canyons-sci-landscape by canyons-research-mapping: Submarine Canyon Scientific Landscape
- cap-region-housing by ukacz: Where Do Capital Region Homeowners Spend Their Housing Dollars? Hint: It’s Not Where They Work
- capstone by tomlous: KILOS™ Predictive Text
- Capstone-Andina by dinnah88: Spotify 3 Decades
- Capstone_Shiny_App by raheemiqbal1: Predict Next Word
- Capstone_ShinyApp by jxieds: Capstone Shiny App: N-Gram Predictor (Release 1.0.0)
- CapstoneApp2 by joereads: Capstone APP for Coursera Data Science
- Car2_App by bigcomputing: Motor Trend Cars data with rCharts
- CarpeDiem by tberic: Carpe Diem
- CartePrenoms by floriangd: Carte des prénoms en France
- carvis by sweiss: Car Sales
- cast_spells by jhubiostatistics: Cast your spell!
- castellsdenou by castellsdenou: INTRODUCCIÓ
- CausalExplorer by stevepowell: The Wiggle Room
- caviomorph_ecomorphology_resources_app by luisdva: Caviomorph Ecomorphology App
- CaviR by watjoa: CaviR statistics
- cbcmatrix_app by calgaryzoolk: SPECCS
- cbcrisk by cbc-predictor-utd: CBCRisk: Contralateral Breast Cancer (CBC) Risk Predictor
- CBCRisk by cbc-predictor-utd: CBCRisk: Contralateral Breast Cancer (CBC) Risk Predictor
- CC-App by ssifleet: Toxics and Climate Change
- ccrs_2015-2016 by ahmadmobin: The number of residents in residential care facilities submitting to CCRS by province/territory
- CDCPlot by gallery: CDC Data Visualization
- CDCPlot by michaud: CDC Data Visualization
- cdfs by johnricco: Cumulative distribution functions of rent per bedroom, by urban area
- cdv_final2 by kruse-alex: Hamburger Schüler im Museum
- cea_error by potterzot: Linear fit to nonlinear data shows an effect for any cutoff date
- CellView by mbolisetty: Single Cell Biology
- census-app by sheffieldbeer: Sheffield Beer Census 2017
- CensusVis by ardecarlo: Census Visualizer
- center by gamma-trader: G.O. Volatility Center
- centralLimitTheorem by casertamarco: Exploring the Central Limit Theorem (CLT): The Age of Coins
- CentralLimitTheorem by jssteele: Central Limit Theorem
- cfbRankings by tylerhunt: Tyler Hunt’s College Football Rankings
- ch2sir by bjornstad: The SIR model
- ch5seir by bjornstad: Seasonally forced SEIR
- ch8orv by bjornstad: ORV
- chaos by automaths: Jeu du chaos
- cheatR by almogsi: Gotta Catch ’em All
- check_r_versions_of_package_dependencies by ateucher: Find appropriate versions of dependencies for your package
- chicago_app by cchanial: Gentrification and Crime in the City of Chicago
- chicagoSnowApp by helenhh: Historic Snow Fall Records in Chicago (1958-present)
- chicken by salamonaska: Poultry Market From Open Data
- chicrime by miningchi2: MiningChi - Chicago Crime Data Visualization
- ChinaMap by yichuanw: China Mapping Application
- chinese-diplomacy-and-financing by gbwalker: Elite Chinese Diplomacy and Financial Flows
- ChlamyNET by frannetworks: ChlamyNET, a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Gene Co-expression Network
- choropleth by jcheng: Choropleths with Shiny and Leaflet
- choropleth3 by jcheng: US Population Density
- Choughs by fomshinyapps: +++ Choughs Typisierung +++
- Christmas_Dinner_app by rpdearden: Christmas Dinner Plan
- citi-bike-data-with-rCharts by joejansen: Citi Bike usage data
- citibikeanalysis by jhonasttan: NYC Citi Bike Data via REST API
- cityapp by fitzlab: What will climate feel like in 60 years?
- CL_und_EL_KO-Runden-Prognose by datakicks: Siegchancen nach dem Hinspiel in der Champions- oder Europaleague
- classificationaccuracy by ajthurston: Classification Accuracy
- client-data-and-query-string by gallery: Client data and query string example
- climate by mytinyshinys: Recent Earthquakes - Click on Circle for more data
- climate by uo-geography: Climate and Water Balance Plotter
- climate_displacement by adaptwest: Climate Displacement in Protected Areas
- climate_partitioning_app by seedmapper: Climate Partitioning App
- ClinicalAccuracyAndUtility by micncltools: Introduction to the clinical accuracy and clinical utility of a diagnostic test
- clippr by trestle: Shiny Helper
- CLT_mean by gallery: CLT for means
- clusterfun by amandadobbyn: Clusters in Beer
- Coalescence by pyhatanja: Discrete time and coalescence
- CoalescenceContinuous by pyhatanja: Continuous time coalescence
- coastal_sharks by fisheriesecology: Tiburones pelagicos Galicia
- coastlinetrip by ranlot: What’s on the other side of the sea?
- CoCSalaries by sgrim: City of Chicago Average Employee Salaries by Job or Department
- Codogno by rmidura: Ottavio Codogno’s Postal Itinerary
- cofunctional_app_18Q4 by greenleaf: Co-functional network settings
- cognitive_calculator by jonathan-underwood: Cognitive impairment calculator
- cognitive_impairment_comparison by jonathan-underwood: Compare classification techniques for HIV-associated cognitive impairment
- col2018_tend by nelsonamayad: Entrada: Tendencias presidenciales Colombia 2018
- college_explorer-master by gallery: Four-Year Not-for-Profit Colleges
- college_insight by rich: Data Table
- collinearity by gallery: Multicollinearity in multiple regression
- ColumbiaTaxiProject by tarashui: When Columbia Students Leave the Bubble…
- complexity_shiny by csqsiew: Complex Forma Mentis
- cond2sal_shiny by jsta: Conductivity to Salinity Conversion
- confidenceFallacy by richarddmorey: The lost submarine
- ConfirmationBias-News-BeliefPolarization by amohseni: Reporting, Bias, and Belief Distortion
- consumer_price_index by kunov: CPI Dashboard
- contingencyTables by richarddmorey: Contingency tables
- ContiuousInteractions by jssteele: Continuous By Continuous Interactions
- contributions by rkahne: Contributions Dashboards
- contributr by ropensci: contributr 🌻
- ConversionStratification by tanaka-group-imperial: Value-wise conversion
- cooking-drake-tutorial by krlmlr: Exercises: Cooking with drake
- Cor2 by ytake2: CORRELATION
- coronavirus by loanrobinson: CoronaVirus
- correlacion by juliomulero: Relación lineal entre dos variables cuantitativas
- correlation_game by gallery: Correlation Game
- cos_registered_reports by katiedrax: Comparison of Registered Reports (RRs)
- cosinor-shinyapp by sachsmc: Cosinor analysis
- Cost-of-Commute by discoursemedia: Calculate the full cost of your commute
- CostofCommute by discoursemedia: Calculate the full cost of your commute
- costresistantecoli by aushsi: ResImpact- tracking drug resistance for action
- COTDataIntelligenceTool by leohermoso: COT Data Intelligence Tool
- counties by knjogu2015: Kenya Counties: Data Visualization Dashboards and Maps: Data Sources, KNBS and CIDPs
- counties by lenalyticslab: Visualize Ward Data
- county_data_dashboard_v2 by markbergen-shiny: U.S. County Data Center
- CountyHealthApp by juliasilge: Health Indicators in Utah Counties
- course_project by cmstewart: Ten-Item Personality Inventory
- CourseProject by tom-courtney: Gear Grinding - Machine Learning App
- coursera by couchpsycho: Evaluation of the Results of an AB-Test
- coursera_capstone by luislundquist: SwiftKey Capstone
- coursera_nlp_capstone by bengapple: Coursera NLP Capstone
- covariance by sarahromanes: Visualising Covariance Matrices
- COVID-19 by bleedrake: COVID-19 Estimates
- cran-downloads by hadley: CRAN downloads
- crandash by jcheng: Popularity by package (last 5 min)
- cranview by dgrtwo: Package Downloads Over Time
- CrashFatalities by nraley: Car Crashes in Allegheny County (2004-2016)
- cricket by jalapic: Test match batting
- cricket by mytinyshinys: CricInfo Image
- Cricket_Visualisation by oste434: Getting your eye in
- crime_explorer by algospark: Crime Explorer
- crime_pred by ilssc: Predicted Crime Rates
- crimemap by blenditbayes: Crime Data Visualisation
- crimeVis by dnaeye: Violent Crime Rates by U.S. State
- crossedpower by jakewestfall: Power Analysis with Crossed Random Effects
- crypto by marcelo-ventura: Live webscrapper from
- Crypto_Prices by andrewrmcneil: Cryptocurrency prices
- cryptoapp by acm9q: Frequency Decryption: A Broken Algorithm
- cryptocurr by casimir: CryptoCurrency Explorer
- ctmmweb by ctmm: ctmmweb
- ctsu by pdrhiggins: Converting CTSU Files to Summary Reports
- Cultures-of-Knowledge_whole-network by livedataoxford: Visualizations of the Prosopographical Network of Samuel Hartlib
- Curva_OC by arantegui: Curva OC
- custodiesel by claudiolucinda: Quanto vai custar o desconto do Diesel?
- custom-input-bindings by gallery: Custom input example
- cvdnight1 by tladeras: cvdRisk Data
- cws-d1 by meysubb: CWS 2019
- cycleMelbourne by willhl: Melbourne Bicycle Paths
- d3piechart by alanwilliams: R Shiny with D3
- dallas-police by trestletech: Real-time Dallas Police Calls
- dance_a by ou-statswidgets: A simulation of p values and confidence intervals for t-tests
- DARKO by apanalytics: DARKO Exploration
- darts by chringer-apps: Simulate Cricket
- dash by gabrielmutua: WHO TB Burden Dashboard
- dash by winston: Support Team 5 mins
- dashboard by levv-logic: LEVV-LOGIC Best Practices
- dashboard by mytinyshinys: myTinyShinys
- dashboard_ecomix by dreamrs-vic: Production d’électricité journalière
- dashboard_elec by dreamrs: Electricity dashboard French electricity production and consumption (via RTE)
- dashboard_v1 by btb-statistics: Bovine TB stats Dashboard
- dashEleicao2018 by marceloalvesuff: Eleição de 2018
- Data-Summariser by adhokshaja: Welcome to the Data Summarizer
- data_explorer_adult by ubdc-apps: Data Explorer
- datacollect by debruine: Data Collection & Feedback
- dataExplorer by ndslds: North Dakota SLDS Data Explorer
- datafest-map-all-years by gallery: ASA DataFest over the years
- DataProduct by mkarp94: The Stanley Cup Difference
- DataProduct by wugology: How long does a PhD really take in the United States?
- dataproducts by jsramos: Videogames ratings in Metacritic for top 100 of all time
- dataproducts-titanic by thiemom: Titanic: machine learning from disaster … a Shiny App
- dataR by rain1024: dataR
- dataset_sharing by shao-shuai: Downloading Data
- dataton17_m30int by muranga: M30 - Gestión Inteligente del Tráfico
- dataviz by dynamicrna: RNA-seq and SILAC proteomics of DUX4-expressing cells
- DataViz by fveronesi: DataViz
- David-Score by amiyaal: David’s Score calculator. Created by Amiyaal Ilany
- DavidBowieSingles by chartmkr: Popularity of David Bowie Singles (1966-2015)
- dBETS by dbets: dBETS - diffusion Breakpoint Estimation Testing Software
- ddcreator by debruine: DDConvertor
- ddp-project by herchu: Psychiatric beds in European Hospitals
- DDP_app by floren: Plotting a Random Normal Distribution
- ddp_noaa by chanamasa: Weather Event Analysis
- DDP_project by amirrudin: MOOC DDP Project
- ddp_project by ghostdatalearner: Unemployent evolution in Spain 2005-2014
- deathandco by k-doyle: Another Death & Co. Index
- Deaths by drugtrends: Deaths induced by:
- decision_mining_app by johnakwei1: Decision Mining App
- deletefacebook by jheppler: Social data analysis
- DEMENT by lbnlshiny: carbon usage efficiency (CUE)
- demetR by pop-eco: demetR
- democrats by timphan: 2016 Democratic Primary Election Analysis
- destination_probability by nyctaxi: Where Do People Go?
- devdatapdt by dnafrance: Simple Interest Calculator
- devdataprod by adornes: Analysis of Violent Crime Rates by US State
- devdataprod-005 by icarda: Motor Trend Car Road Tests
- devdataprod-016 by chribonn: Maltese Tourist Analysis for 2012
- DevDataProduct by amyjiangsu: Swear Word Analysis using Google NGram Data
- DevDataProject by jcllorente: Exercise with Iris dataset
- developer-talent-map by brookfieldiie: Developer Talent Map - StackOverflow + BII+E
- Developing-Data-Products-Course-Project by jplcva: Random Distributions
- developingdataproductsclass by oszkar: Movie charts
- diagprimer by crsu: Quantifying Diagnostic Test Accuracy: An Interactive Primer (v1.0)
- dialect_map_shiny_project by supstat: Hack Session: Maps in R
- diet by megumi-oshima: Diet Database
- DiNAR by nib-si: DiNAR
- Dingy by davidakenny: Tests of Distinguishability and Nonindependence
- directory by jordanbutz: Predicting Risk of Opioid Overdoses in Providence, Rhode Island
- dis-elect-app by datalabgh: Regional district-level elections in Ghana since 1988…
- Disability by statisticsnz: Disability Estimates
- Discretisator by archeomatic: Discretisator
- DiseaseDynamics by mkiang: Basic ODE Models of Disease Dynamics
- disruption by apanalytics: Defensive Metrics
- dissemination by erasmusmcmgz: Health and economic impact of meeting the WHO targets
- dist_calc by gallery: Distribution Calculator
- Distribucion_nodos_wrdtrade by diegokoz: Distribución de centralidad de los nodos
- distribution-zoo by ben18785: The distribution zoo
- distributionexplorer by parameterlibrary: Aquatic ecosystem modelling parameter library v0.7
- Distributions by rsangole: Poisson Distribution
- diversidade_eleicoes by faz-diferenca-br: Faz Diferença
- diveRsity-online by popgen: diveRsity Online
- divida_web by gabrielrega: Equilibrando a dívida pública
- divMigrate-online by popgen: divMigrate-online: Visualise and test gene flow patterns among populations
- DK_App by jmaburto: Lifespan inequality in Denmark, Sweden and Norway
- DND_Dice_Roll by aglhurley: Dungeons and Dragons Dice Roller
- dpmixapp by stablemarkets: Interactive Dirichlet Process Tutorial
- dproduct by amice13: Results of the Ukrainian presidential elections in 2014
- drarbitrage by kczat: Dynasty / Redraft Arbitrage App
- drawadist by nstrayer: Draw your (beta) prior
- drawyourprior by jhubiostatistics: Draw your (beta) prior
- driftR by cjbattey: driftR: Population Genetic Simulations in R
- drinkr by gallery: drinkR: Estimate your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
- drinkr by rasmusab: drinkR: Estimate your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
- drive by oncologynibr: DRIVE DATA PORTAL
- drought_prediction by frzambra: Series Temporales NDVI acumulado Temporada Agrícola
- dsc-shiny by yxtay: Data Science Capstone Project
- DT-filter by yihui: Column Filters on the Server Side
- DT-info by yihui: DataTables Information
- DT-proxy by yihui: Manipulate an Existing Table
- DT-rows by yihui: Select Table Rows
- DT-scroller by yihui: Using the Scroller Extension in DataTables
- dta_ma by crsu: MetaDTA: Diagnostic Test Accuracy Meta-analysis
- DualProcessROC by maureen: Dual Process ROC Demo
- dummy_example by yrochat: Manipulating thresholds
- DVHshiny by dwoll: About DVHmetrics
- Dynamic_Probabilities by webapptester: Dynamic Probabilities
DynamicUI by upsa: upsa
- Uncertainty Propagation & Sensitivity Analysis
- e-coli-beach-predictions by rchesak: City of Chicago Beaches
- e-value-calculator by corinne-riddell: E-value calculator for sensitivity analysis in observational studies
- eapmap by irtdemo: eapmap
- eBirdmass by slager: eBird Biomass Calculator
- Ebola-Dynamic by gallery: Ebola Model
- Ebola-Dynamic-Model by econometricsbysimulation: Ebola Model
- Ebola_Sim by mile: Which Chimpanzees Should be Vaccinated?
- ec_atlas by endotheliomics: EC Atlas
- ECAD-data-browser by mdefelice: European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D) stations data browser
- ecocastapp by heatherwelch: EcoCast Explorer
- EconSeminarDiversity by econseminardiversity: Econ Seminar Diversity
- EconSpeakerDiversity by econspeakerdiversity: Diversifying Economics Seminars - Speakers List
- EctoMAP by monsoro-lab-ectomap: EctoMap_lite
- EcycleCollectorSite by wisconsindnr: E-Cycle Wisconsin registered collection sites
- EDA_categorical by istats: Exploring Categorical Data
- EDA_quantitative by istats: Exploring Quantitative Data
- edge_shiny by billpetti: Edge%: 2010-Present
- edinbR_heatmap by gdevailly: Interactive heatmap with R
- eDNA_App by edna-probability-of-detection-calculator: eDNA detection probability calculator
- EDsimulation by gallery: Emergency Department Simulation
- education_combined_scatter_v3 by richleysh84: School Finance
- eduseq by jensenlab: DNA Short Read Generator
- eggnogr by hadley: eggnogr
- elecciones21d by elecciones21d: Simulador de los resultados del 21D-2017, a partir de datos introducidos por el usuario
- Election2016 by rkahne: Kentucky 2016 General Election
- electionpulsemap by curiositybits: Underdog vs. Outlier
- elections2 by yiddishdata: די 2016 וואלן רעזולטאטן
- electoralrules by jlsumner: Electoral Rules Simulation Tool
- eleicoes2014 by neconiesp: Pesquisa das Pesquisas
- eltiempo by jmprietob: El Tiempo - The weather
- embryonic_pancreas by lynnlab: Welcome to the Lynn Lab’s Single Cell Gene Expression Atlas
- Emergent_Epidemics_Lab_nCoV2019 by scarpino: nCoV2019
- emra by instatemra: Title
- emra by statemra: Title
- EncuestaSalarialDataScientistArgentina2017 by lpogorelsky: Encuesta Salarial de Data Scientist Argentina 2017
- endodb by endotheliomics: EndoDB
- enfinexplorer by enfinexplorer: EnFinExplorer
- engsoccerbeta by jalapic: Exploring Historical English Soccer Data
- Enronapp by michaelc: Could we have seen Enron coming?
- Enronapp?utm_content=bufferae006&utm_medium=social& by michaelc: Could we have seen Enron coming?
- EPIC_1-1 by gfellerlab: EPIC
- EpiCOGSDEMO by amcrisan: Load and View Data
- epidcm by statnet: EpiModel: Deterministic Compartmental Models
- epidemix by royalveterinarycollege: Epidemix
- epigeneticclock by aging: Epigenetic clock
- Epiquant by hetmanb: EpiQuant
- EpiQuant by hetmanb: EpiQuant
- episensr_shiny by dhaine: episensr: Basic Sensitivity Analysis of Epidemiological Results
- equator by aushsi: A university league table based on good research practice
- ERequirements by diana-thomas: Adult Energy Requirements Calculator
- ERP-waveform-visualization_CMS-experiment by pablobernabeu: ERP waveforms from experiment on Conceptual Modality Switch (Bernabeu et al., 2017)
- ERPdemo by craddm: Exploring ERP plot options
- ERPVis by pbloom: Interactive ERP Viewing Tool
- ET_calculator by asianturfgrass: Reference and crop evapotranspiration (ET) calculator
- etf-leverage-simulator by pchuck: Leveraged ETF Returns
- EthTownFloorROI by ether: Eth Town floor flip ROI
- eu_pollster by kamilgregor: Jaký je aktuální podíl hlasů pro stranu?
- eu_pollster by kohovoliteu: Czech Polling Results
- euclid by backfour: Acute/Chronic Workload Ratio
- eumigration by bnowok: Migration composition
- eurodatos by kamecon: Datos de Empleo (EUROSTAT)
- eurofootycharts by aashanand: Euro Footy Charts
- eurovision by mignonwuestman: Predicting the future
- evalue by mmathur: E-value calculator
- evanetworks by evanets: EVA co-working networks in MDRS
- exec by supraprimate: SUPRAPRIMATE: An online resource for cross-species single cell transcriptome data integration
- expand_preston by jgassen: Explore the Preston Curve with ExPanDaR
- expectancyApp by dczhang: ShinyAESC
- expertus by monex: Многокритериальная ОНлайн-ЭКСпертиза (МОНЭКС): интерактивный анализ и визуализация результатов
- explore by richarddmorey: Morey & Hoekstra 2019 Data
- explore-timeseries by mabrek: Visual Exploration of Performance Monitoring Time Series
- ExploreCoverage by istats: Explore Coverage of Confidence Intervals
- ExploreModels by win-vector: Explore Model Behavior
- explorer by rest-wordcount: Track the popularity of words and phrases over time in the articles of the Review of Economics and Statistics.
- Exploring_Climate_Change_1900-2014 by omaymas: Climate Change in Major Cities (1900-2014)
- Exploring_Regression_in_R by aoshotse: Navbar!
- exponential_discounting_demo by inferencelab: Exponential Discounting
- extending-xG-gain by kubamichalczyk: Transform function visualisation
- F1_twitter_app by atajti: Number of F1 tweets
- facts by aapidata: Community Facts
- faktury-pravni by samizdat: Proplacené faktury ministerstva financí
- false_discovery by lawsofthought: Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
- FalseDiscoveryRate by philipp: Controlling the False Discovery Rate
- fansstructure by slerka: Fans by Countries
- fantasytools by fantasydota: Fantasy Dota
- FB_page_analyzer by thinktostart: Facebook Page Analyzer BETA 1
- FCount by econometricsbysimulation: Function Counter for R
- fe-apprenticeship-statistics by department-for-education: Apprenticeships Statistics
- FearNot by taxsmack: 2017 Tax Planning
- febrile_app by templepeds: Welcome to the serious bacterial infection model for young infants. This model was developed by a team from the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University utilizing a large data set of febrile infants collected by the Pediatric Emergency Applied Research Network (PECARN). The purpose of this model is to estimate the risk of urinary tract infection, bacteremia and/or meningitis in a subset of infants deemed to be at low risk for these infections. This model is for clinical prediction only and does not include recommendations for patient management.
- FedElect2015 by robscottd: Ottawa Federal Election Twitter Analysis 2015
- fertility by mbcladwell: Fertility
- fg-models by jamesledoux: Field Goal Models
- fieller by sb452: Fieller’s theorem
- filtering-badness by hrbrmstr: Wastebook Article 13 Infringement Filter Control Panel
- final by fishdata: How is climate changing and where with R
- final by irjerad: An Improved Aproximation of Blood Alcohol Content
- Final by jafec: Beginner’s Tutorial
- final-baseball-app by thiessen: Homeruns per Game
- final_project by mile: Sample Size Calculation for one-sample t-test
- FINAL_PROJECT_COURSERA_DDP by valeria: Internet Services Utility (Conjoint market simulator)
- FinalAppPolioData by jddavis: Polio Vaccine Efficacy in the US: Visual Assessment
- finalhomework by benhives: Tony Awards
- finance_app by kylethomas: Financial Plots
- financialecon by gulraiz: financial economitrics
- Finemapping by atgu: International IBD Genetics Consortium Fine-mapping project
- finflows by followthemoney: Financial Flows Euro Area
- finny by jobechoi: Guess the word up to the 6th one…
- fintrends by fsdkenya: fin::trends
- firstApp by mclapham: First appearances
- fish by macartan: An Exact Fishy Test
- fish_trend_graphs by statisticsnz: Fish abundance trends
- fishcast2 by sfg-ucsb: Global-level fisheries forecasts and adaptive strategies
- fisheries by scotland: Landings of key species into Scotland by Scottish registered vessels from 2000-2015
- FishViz by james-thorson: Visualize fish populations
- FLAM by ajpete: Fused Lasso Additive Model - Simulated Data Application
- FlightPlanner by anantgupta: Flight Planner
- FluGBSapp by stevenhawken: Individual Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS) Risk Calculator
- foia_shiny_app by datadotworld: Predict Your FOIA Request Success
- food_check_live by usaskssrl: Peel Public Health
- food_price_changes by blin02: Food price changes over time, from year 1974 - 2015. Food price changes vs all-items prices changes. All-items include all consumer goods and services, including food. Food price changes vs Producer price changes. Producer price changes measures the average change in prices paid to domestic producers for their output.
- football_analytics_dashboard by apita: Match HUD
- ForestChange_ProofOfConcept by spades: SpaDES - Proof of concept model - THESE DO NOT CONTAIN REAL DATA
- formatR by yihui: Tidy R Code with formatR (Yihui Xie)
- fourfactors123 by tvbassine: Threes and Layups NBA Net Rating Calculator
- fourier-deseasonality by algorithmia: NY Births with Fourier Detrend
- Fourier_Smoother by jeffreyuslan: Fourier Smoother Demonstration
- fpl_fixture_difficulty by tojyouso: FPL fixture difficulty
- fpmaps by gutt: Guttmacher Institute
- freeR by committedtotape: FREE R READING MATERIAL
- friedman_acronym_generator by nnstats: Elliotte Friedman Acronym Generator
- FrissDashboard by frissdemo: Friss analytics
- fsp_refugees by savings-frontier: Financial Lives of Refugees
- FunGeneClusterS by fungiminions: FunGeneClusterS: Fungal Gene Clustering
- funnelinf_app by metaviz: Visual funnel plot inference
- G2Sd by regisgallon: G2Sd : Grain-size Statistics and Description of Sediment
- g6pd_screening by malaria: Cost effectiveness of G6PD screening
- ga-dimsmets by artemklevtsov: Google Analytics: Dimensions & Metrics
- ga-effect by gallery: GA Effect
- ga-effect by mark: GA Effect
- ga-meta by mark: GA Meta
- ga-rollup by mark: GA Rollup
- gahner by 56north: Danish Polls
- game-of-thrones by wd2017: Game of Thrones - character occurences
- Game_of_life by ulvic: Game of Life
- gamebygame by jalapic: Comparing Seasons
- gamePredictor by malter61: Baseball game wins probability calculator by Mark Malter
- gamma by gamma-trader: G.O. Gamma Central
- ganttshiny by asgr: Extra-Galactic Survey Gantts
- Gapminder-app by creagh: Gapminder Shiny app
- gas-mileage by karawoo: Gas Mileage
- GBIFapp by aleruete: Ignorance Explorer
- gbmParameterPerformance by ramshiny: Visualizing parameter performance in GBM
- GBS_Atlas by landcare: New Zealand Garden Bird Atlas (2007–2015)
- GDELTNetApp by gallery: Network
- gem-scd by jepusto: Gradual Effects Model Calculator
- gender by gokhan: LSE IR Gender Project
- GeneExpresso by griffith: Gene Expresso.. quick view of the gene expression
- GenEst by west-inc: GenEst v1.3.1
- GeneTyPR by wjjessen: Gene Type ParseR (Gene TyPR) | Homo Sapiens
- geneuron20150218 by geneuron: Geneuron 1.1
- genjiapp by gtcym: 絵入源氏物語
- genome_browser by gallery: ICGC Pancreatic Cancer (Ductal Adenocarcinoma) - Genome Viewer
- geocoder by rich: Reed College Geocoding Application
- GeoDemographics by mariplaza: Vienna GeoDemographics
- georefr by mrjoh3: Image Georeferencing
- GeoVis by kkalyan3: Geo Viz
- gganatogram by jespermaag: gganatogram
- ggplotwithyourdata by pharmacometrics: Welcome to ggquickeda!
- ggsegDemo by athanasiamo: Demonstration of ggseg package
- ggtree by gallery: Visualizing ggplot2 internals
- ggvis-maps by hrbrmstr: ggvis shiny maps
- ghanatelecomdatainspector by davidquartey: Ghana Telecom Data Inspector
- gifted_identification_explorer by mmcbee: Gifted Identification Psychometrics Explorer
- githubAnalyses by mytinyshinys: Github
- GLDC by shareshiny2018: Generalized Lambda Distribution Calculator
- glee by lponnala: GLEE: differential protein expression test
- global_cities_visualization by oecdregional: Cities in the world
- Global_Temp by loiyumba: Average Temperature of Indian Cities
- globalspectr by sdray: The global spectrum of plant form and function
- GlobalTerrorism by sarthakdasadia: Studying Bomb / Explotion Attacks
- gmse_gui by bradduthie: GMSE
- golf by jalapic: Scatterplot 1
- GolfR by tzurloye: GolfR
- google-charts by gallery: Google Charts demo
- googleAnalyticsRv4Demo by mark: Google Analytics v4 API Demo
- googly by tvganesh: Googly : yorkr analyzes IPL!
- GOPtax2017 by benjaminackerman: How will the House Tax Bill Impact Graduate Students?
- got_shiny by alval: Game of Thrones (GoT): A Network Analysis
- gotv-app by egap: Analysis of Field Experiments
- GPAvatar by paceturf: Make a GP avatar for your location
- GPCRsnakeplotter by yuejiang: snakeplotter for GPCRs
- graph2png by blacksheep: Download a Graph from DiagrammeR
- graphic by mrooijer: Global Temperature Explorer
- gravicom by andeek: gravicom
- grc2h by steno: Glucose Response Classifier
- greengov by cwee: Background
- gremApp by timcdlucas: gREM: Estimate animal density or abundance
- GribbleGap_Discharge by wcu-hydro: Gribble Gap Discharge (beta)
- GSCA by zhiji: GSCA: Gene Set Context Analysis
- guesscorr by istats: Correlation Game
- guessing-game by statisfactions: Guessing Game
- guestApps by mytinyshinys: Guest Apps
- gVision-shiny by flovv: Object Detection using Google Cloud Vision
- gwas_shiny_app by shiring: GWAS disease- & trait-associated SNP locations of the human genome
- gwdegree by michaellevy: GW Degree Statistic Behavior
- hackathon by tangerine007: Honduras - Correlation Matrix
- hackathon_shiny by safferli: Build Your Own Offshore Corporation
- HackVizOccitanie by tnidelet: Bonjour !!
- Haelisleitendur by a-m-agustsson: Distribution of Asylum Seekers in the EU/EEA Area
- haikugen by adamishere: Random Haiku Generator
- Halo5_Stats by jjohn9000: Halo 5 Stats
- HappyJobsTestApp by what-works-wellbeing: Happy Jobs! - How does your well-being compare to people in different jobs in the UK?
- harmonic by ludger: Harmonic Regression
- HarrellPlot by middleprofessor: Harrell Plot
- harvey-ses-layers by ianwells: Mapping Modeled Flood Damage, Property Values, and Socio-Economic Data In Harris County
- hclust-shiny by joyofdata: Hierarchical Clustering in Action
- hdnom-app by gallery: - Nomograms for High-Dimensional Data
- healthdatabreach by sungexplore: Health Data Breaches
- healthplot by databiomics: HealthPlot - Exploring public health in USA through R and Open Data
- HEAT by whoequity: Health Equity Assessment Toolkit
- heatmap by stefanwilhelm: Interactive Highcharts Heat Map in Shiny
- heatmapStock by blenditbayes: Stock Market Calendar Heat Map
- helpmeviz-malnutrition by jpaulson: As Women Rise, Malnutrition Falls Use this interactive tool to compare country data on women’s empowerment and stunting. Click here to open in separate window.
- helsinkikuntavaalit-app by veikkoisotalo: Kuntavaalit 2017
- HerbicideRiskCalculator by wyoweeds: Herbicide Resistance Risk Caluclator
- HEVmodel by moru: HEV vaccination policy evaluation tool
- HINTS2017 by translatedmedicine: HINTS 2017 Survey: Smartphone Ownership Demographics (Weighted Frequencies)
- hip_fracture by moppettsmusings: Prediction of outcomes following hip fracture
- HistPat by histpat: Choose a Variable
- HitterDashBoard by joshua-rodrigues: Hitting Dashboard
- hmd_explorer by datascapes: Human Mortality Database Explorer
- hmdexp by jschoeley: Human Mortality Explorer
- HNSCCmodel by katrin: Estimated risk profile for 3yr outcome
- Home by qmi-fcrr: QMI Shiny Home
- homebrewR by davesteps: HomebrewR
- homicide_app by rfnajera: Baltimore Homicide Map
- household-typology by hanifsamad: Bank of England household survey
- housing2 by cergs: Data Explorer
- housingandmigration by mhpcenterforhousingdata: Migration, housing production, and price
- HoustonCrimeViewer by seasmith: Houston Crime Viewer
- hoxom-card by ksmzn: HOXO-M Card
- hPVI_2015_histapp by tonyangelo: Minnesota 2015 hPVI Distribution
- HR-Hitters by danmalter: Hitters in Baseball
- HRFirstDevDatProd_Normal by hrcamilo: Random Generator for Normal Distribution on Shiny
- html2r by alandipert: HTML to R Converter
- hyperbolic_discounting_demo by inferencelab: Hyperbolic Discounting
- iaaf by bluecattechnical: Rankings
- ibp-demo by mcdickenson: Indian Buffet Process
- ICLD by indoligensia: YogyEWS v.0.1
- iconicity_patterns by sl-iconicity: Iconicity patterns in Sign Languges
- IdealPointsUN by erikvoeten: Ideal Points Estimation
- image by martinmolder: R + Shiny = Crude image processing
- image-output by gallery: Client data and query string example
- imagesurvey by gzthompson: Image Distortion Calibration Survey
- IMDB_Explorer by yuorme: IMDB Movie Explorer
- imgsvd by nanx: ImgSVD: Image Compression via SVD
- imgsvd by yihui: ImgSVD - Image Compression via SVD
- immigration_overview_mini by jeffersonselectorate: US Immigration Explorer
- immunecelltypes by mfoos: Immune Cell Gene Expression Data
- IMO-ODE-solver by ashcroftp: Test ODE model
- importancesamplingshiny by agomezh: Importance Sampling Samples
- ims-shiny by sgibb: MALDIquant - MSI example
- including-html-text-and-markdown-files by gallery: includeText, includeHTML, and includeMarkdown
- incubator-progress by gallery: Progress demo
- indeedoor by jcp1016: Target your data science job search
- index by powerupr: PowerUpR
- indiana-hiv by forrestcrawford: Dynamics of the HIV outbreak and response in Scott County, Indiana 2011-2015
- individual-vote-nzes by ellisp: Modelled individual party vote in the New Zealand 2014 General Election
- iNEXTOnline by chao: iNEXT Online (Sept. 2016)
- Inference by olivierklein: Comparaison de deux moyennes
- Influence_Analysis by omaymas: Influence Analysis
- influenza by calthaus: Simulating an influenza epidemic
- Influenza_isolates by pmacp: Influenza types from global surveillance isolates: 1995 to 2016
- intbp by sanjaybasu: Intensive BP Rx
- interaction by thomassiegmund: Interactive features
- interactive by connorjmccabe: interActive: A tool for the visual display of interactions
- InteractiveLTV by pianalytics: PI Analytics
- interest by interest: INTEREST
- international_jobs by tomliptrot: International jobs search | Map
- intervene by asntech: Intervene - a tool for intersection and visualization of multiple gene or genomic region sets
- intervene by intervene: Intervene - an interactive Shiny app for UpSet plots, Venn diagrams and Pairwise heatmaps
- InvestmentInWatershedServices by cromulo: Investments in Watershed Services
- IPLAnalytics by iplfantasy: IPL Analytics
- IPlookup by rkennedy: IP Lookup Application
- irisExplore by vranjan: Iris Data Exploration and Prediction
- irr_ph by asianturfgrass: Turfgrass irrigation requirement at a few locations in the Philippines
- irrigation by asianturfgrass: Irrigation water requirement
- isithotrightnow by rensa: Is it hot in Sydney right now?
- isogloss by isogloss: Word Mapper
- iSwathX by biolinfo: iSwathX 2.0
- ivy_tiebreaks by lbenz730: Ivy League TiebreakR
- iwinrnfl by kpele: NFL In-Game Win Probability - iWinrNFL
- Jambo_Map by poppypresents: World Scout Jamboree International Unit Map
- JAPTopicNetwork by blistyg: Visualizing The Relationship between JAP Article Keywords
- jb-flight-deals by sparsedata: Sparse Data
- JDPayCalc by dannyjnwong: Junior Doctors’ Pay Calculator v.0.5
- Jester by mhahsler-apps: Joke Recommender Using Jester Data
- jiebaR-shiny by qinwf: 输入文本
- joggingdash by zfleeman: Speed vs. Mood Chart
- journal_turnaround_app by jcsuarez: Journal Turnaround Times
- jp_mlsnK by asianturfgrass: MLSN ガイドラインからK要求量を求める
- JPL_Shiny by mldschry: Kick&RushLab JPL-table season 16-17
- judiciales by ppiccato: Estadísticas del crimen en México: Series Históricas 1926 - 2008
- junction_app by jiddualexander: Junction Profiling
- jwp-app by jeopardy-win-probability: Jeopardy Win Probability
- KaggleSurveyDataAnalysisDashboard by anishwalia20: Kaggle Survey Data analysis
- karachi_property by azam: Property Price Predictor
- kcompshiny by win-vector: Messages
- kenya by lenalyticslab: Visualizing Kenya County Data
- keras-customer-churn by jjallaire: Customer Churn Analytics
- kfre_app by mccudden: KFRE 2-year Risk Variation Model
- klexdatr-movement by poissonconsulting: Kootenay Lake Fish Movement
- kmeans by jcheng: Iris k-means clustering
- knowlabshiny by compassnz: Knowledge Lab
- ky-house-18 by rkahne: Kentucky Election, 2018
- kyelect_2018 by rkahne: Kentucky Election, 2018
- kyleg by rkahne: Geographical Voting Visualization
- kyleg_twitter by rkahne: Kentucky Legislature Twitter Sentiment Dashboards
- Lab_Exercise_CatVars2 by kbodwin: Lab Exercise: Categorical Variables
- Lab_Exercise_t_tests2 by kbodwin: Lab Exercise: t-tests and Confidence Intervals
- labour-market-dashboard_prod by mbienz: The New Zealand Labour Market Dashboard
- lac_diversity by wb-lac: Violence in Latin America
- lactate by orreco: Lactate-OR has moved!
- lahontan by trout: Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Population Simulator v2.01
- lake_water_quality by statisticsnz: Lake water quality
- lakens_effect_sizes by katherinemwood: Calculating Effect Sizes
- langmap by cainesap: Languages of the world
- LatentChangeScore by qmi-fcrr: LGM Comp
- LCO-CI by jdoi: LCO Confidence Interval Generator
- leafletDrilldown_Improvements by efh0888: Reset to the country level map by clicking anywhere outside the polygons.
- leafviz by leafcutter: LeafViz
- leg_app by ofchurches: South Australian Legislation Network current as of November 2018 including only acts with at least one link (including loops)
- lego-viz by gallery: LEGO Set Visualizer
- Lending_Club_App_v1 by hitesh-mistry-systemsforecasting: Lending Club Profit/Loss App
- lexical_dispersion_plot by christian-burkhart: Plot your own lexical dispersion plots
- LeyWeberFechner by urigonzalezbravo: Ley de Weber-Fechner
- lfcgmR by terrydolan: The LFC Goal Machine
- librelink by personalscience: Richard Sprague
- likelihood by lakens: Likelihood Ratio for Mixed Results
- LinearRegression by istats: Linear Regression
- linreg by cabaceo: Linear Regression
- liver by zliu-omics: The Liver Integrative Omics Network (LION) Project
- livingcostsexplorer by statisticsnz: Explore living-costs in New Zealand
- LJmaraton by crtahlin: Ljubljanski maratoni
- lnhBrowser by mlewis: Linguistic Niche Browser
- location_mapper by cultureofinsight: Google Location Map
- loggerapp by microclimate: Microclimate logger networks
- LogisticModel by mdpillet: Illustrating the logistic growth model
- londonShiny by adam-dennett: Social Statistics for Wards in London
- loook by shariliu: 🔍 Loook: A tool for visualizing and analyzing infant looking time data
- lorenz by bobturner: Lorenz Attractor
- LotkaVolterraPredPrey by davearmitage: Predator-Prey model example
- LOTR by sarahpapworth: Revised Life Orientation Test
- love-actually-network by dgrtwo: Love, Actually Network
- ltwnrw17-arena by debatometer: Debat-O-Meter: Die Wahlarena im WDR am 4. Mai 2017
- ltwsh17 by debatometer: Debat-O-Meter: Die NDR-Wahlarena Schleswig-Holstein am 25. April 2017
- MaBapp by vbonapersona: MaBapp: Effects of early life adversity on behavior
- macbeth by gdlinguistics: Macbeth Network
- macro_visual by sautergroup: fastcormics:monocyte-macrophage differentiation
- mafia_ny_times by kostakospanos: Word Cloud, NY Times articles, 2014-2016, Keyword: Mafia, by: Panos Kostakos, University of Oulu
- MaicesMx50kSNP-english by conabio: Mexican maize landraces genetic diversity explorer
- MaicesMx50kSNP-espanol by conabio: Explorador de la variación genética de las razas de maíz mexicanas
- mammal-app by matthesecolab: Fantastic Beasts: Visualization of the PanTHERIA dataset
- ManComp by resolve: Probability of Alpha Manager outperforming Beta Manager at various horizons
- Manning by mikerspencer: Input Variables
- ManningsConverterApp by johnyagecic: Manning’s Input Variables
- ManningsMC by johnyagecic: Input Variables
- manoseimas by petras: Interaktyvi balsavimo analizė
- MapApp by denden: FluTracking Map - data for week ending Sunday, October 20, 2019
- MAPAS4 by fjra01: Crime Prediction by City
- mapascultvar by claudia: Información Cultural de Coahuila
- MapPortal by s-ic: Mapový portál
- MAPPPD_Domain1 by blackbawks: Penguin colonies in CCAMLR Subarea 48.1
- maps by bog2018: Where is BoG science from?
- maps by selfesteem: World self esteem plot
- Marea by turfeffect: Evaluacion de Reservas Marinas
- MarginalFactors by cedm: Electricity Marginal Factors Estimates
- marketing by gallery: Radiant - Marketing
- Markov-Generative-Language-Model by m-ezekiel: Markov Generative Language Model
- marmetadatamexeng by jepa: Building a Meta-database of Marine Research in Mexico
- marmetadatamexesp by jepa: Hacia la creación de una base de metadatos de investigación marina en México
- mars-sat by mars-project-sat: MARS
- marshal by plantmodelling: MARSHAL
- mashup_names by data-chips: Name Mashups
- master_app by gage-justin: Social Listening - NYC Colleges
- matrix_condenser by bmedeiros: Matrix condenser
- matrixes by riate: Convertisseur de matrices
- maxent_beta_multiplier_visualiser by simontarr: MaxEnt Parameter Visualiser
- mc_power_med by schoemanna: Monte Carlo Power Analysis for Indirect Effects
- mcdowell_etal_2018 by mtn-adaptation: Adaptation action and research in glaciated mountain systems
- meanSdEfficientFrontier by cfrm: Mean - Standard Deviation Efficient Frontier
mecha by
plantmodelling: MECHA
- Model of Explicit Cross-section Hydraulic Anatomy
- mechanics-of-CBM-app by awkruijt: on pre-existing bias affecting training contingency in CBM
- Medical_Expense_Predictor by diwashrestha: Medical Expense Predictor
- MedicarePayments by gutta: Know how many X you may be over-billed?
- MedPower by davidakenny: Power and N Computations for Mediation
- medtrucks by dsidd: Cartographie et E-santé pour hôpitaux, cliniques et associations - Luttez contre les déserts médicaux - MedTrucks
- meet_summ_proto by safetyapp: Graph degeneracy and submodularity for unsupervised extractive summarization
- meetingsR by jumpingrivers: Worldwide R
- meetup-analysis by pawelp: Who are attendees?
- megalex by sedufau: Megastudies of visual and auditory word recognition
- meioticdrive by jflh: Meiotic Drive for two alleles
- menaro_database by chaiml: Years of experience
- Meropenem_for_OPAT by opat: Meropenem for Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Thearpy
- MetaForest_online by utrecht-university: MetaForest Online
- metainsightc by crsu: MetaInsight
- method_compare by bahar: Method Comparison
- metro_walksheds by johnricco: Walk sheds by Metrorail line: A data visualization
- microglia by vmenon: Human microglia single-cell expression (Olah et al. 2019)
- migrationviz by asheshwor: Mapping international migration flows from UN migrants stock data
- milkPrice by dhaine: Milk Prices Comparison
- minha-cidade by nazareno: De onde vem a verba das campanhas de sua cidade?
- mining_my_day by regan008: Mining the Eleanor Roosevelt My Day Columns
- misanthrope_app by dnlmc: Misanthropic Neighbors Simulation
- MLB_franchise_performance by wallach: Historical Performance of Major League Baseball Franchises
- mlbDashboard by dnegrey: MLB Dashboard
- MLBrunscoring_shiny by monkmanmh: MLB run scoring trends
- mlplasmids by sarredondo: mlplasmids
- mlsn_K by asianturfgrass: K requirement using the MLSN Guidelines
- MME_Global by iupui-earth-science: Map My Environment: Global
- Model2 by oncoresearch: Enter Your Information
- MOG_education by webb: Mapping Overlaps Gadget
- moonBook by cardiomoon:
- mortgage2 by lcolladotor: Simple Mortgage Calculator
- mote by doomlab: MOTE
- movethevote by movethevote: Move the Vote
- movie_loc by yabinfan: NYC Movie Spot
- movierecommendationlpufinalproject by arvindkr: Movie Recommendation System
- movies by winston: Movie explorer
- mRchmadness by saberpowers: mRchmadness: 2018
- MRP_territorios by lmolla: MRP Preelectoral CIS 10-N
- MSE_Southern_Hake by jcquiroz: MSUR - Visual app
- msm-shiny by stulacy: Multi-State Modelling
- MSTgraphics by moral: Moral Sense Test
- music by jalapic: Music Notation Plots of Social Interactions
- mutation_selection_shiny by brianomeara: Mutation Selection (Macroevolution class, Brian O’Meara)
- my_app by michaellopez: Density plots of per-game QBR
- myrcharts0 by herimanitra: shiny, rCharts and Highcharts.js:
- mysteps by weekendarchaeo: Steps Record
- NAIABaseballStatistics by robertlfrey: NAIA Baseball Statistics
- NAMCShiny by jefworks: NAMCShiny
- NarReport by vzaigrin: Instructions
- national-security-strategy by dartthrowingchimp: Exploring the U.S. National Security Strategy Reports
- nationals15 by ryandkerr: 2015 College Ultimate Nationals - Men’s and Women’s
- naturespostcodes by tomaugust: Nature’s Postcodes
- navlistpanel-example by gallery: Navlist panel example
- nba-play-type by presidual: NBA Team Play Type Breakdowns (beta)
- nba-rolling-charts by presidual: NBA Team Rolling Charts and Statistics
- NBA-shot-range by scott-laforest: NBA Shot Range Emoji Charts
- nba_draft_by_team by dantok18: NBA Draft Data by Team (1989-2017)
- nba_playoff_series_predictions_multinomial_regression by steadylosing: NBA Best-of-Seven Showdowns: Predictions – It’s Lit
- nbafinalshistory by adp2223: NBA Finals Series History
- NBAShotChart by jiashenliu: NBA Shot Plot
- NBAStatsExplorer by jcohensolal: NBA Player Stats Explorer
- ncaa by bracketmath: March Madness Optimization
- nCov_control by art-bd: Reporting, epidemic growth, and reproduction numbers for the 2019-nCoV epidemic: understanding control
- ncov_tracker by vac-lshtm: Covid 2019 tracker
- NDC_Evaluation by gicn: The NDC app: Estimating GHG emissions in 2030
- Nets-Shiny by andywon: The Brooklyn Nets Performance by Game
- NetworkApp by jolandakos: Network App
- networkgraph by jing-zen-garden: NetworkAnalysis
- NeuroimagingLandscape by jdwor: The Landscape of NeuroImage-ing Research
- neuromast_homeostasis_scrnaseq_2018 by piotrowskilab: Zebrafish Neuromast scRNA-seq
- neuropower by neuropower: NeuroPower
- new-test by bencasselman: Select a category of major:
- new_app by lynch-interactive-animations: The effect of occupation on migrations
- new_outbreak_probability by cmmid-lshtm: Probability of a large 2019-nCoV outbreak following introduction of cases
- newselection by comparenjschools: This website uses the 2016-2017 State Performance Data. Using Artificial Intelligence algorithms the program will assimilate similar schools to the one you designate up top. There are also options for you to customize schools you wish to compare that were not deemed similar according to the algorithm.
- newstart by steadylosing: Likely or No? – NBA Predictions Set
- Next_Word_Prediction by anmuz: Capstone Project
- NextWordApp by massyfigini: The Next Word App
- NextWordPrediction by iyermobile: iyermobile - CAPSTONE PROJECT
- NextWordPrediction by johnakwei1: Next Word Prediction App - by ContextBase
- NFLAnalitics by gavilez: NFL Fantasy Analisis
- ngram by gill: NGram Performance Analysis
- ngram by odeleon: Using the app
- ngram by wrathematics: Fun with Markov Chains
- nhanes_explore by tladeras: NHANES
- NHPubSchools by nhschoolfunds: New Hampshire Public Schools Financial Data FY2009-FY2019
- ninja by sieriebriennikov: NINJA: Nematode INdicator Joint Analysis
- nkrBaby by lenalyticslab: Nakuru Hospital Newborns Dashboard
- nlpshiny by yufree: Data Science Capstone: Simple SwiftKey
- nmdescintolerancescore by nmdprediction: NMD Escape intolerance score metric
- nmdescpredictor by nmdprediction: NMDEscPredictor
- noaaShiny by heatherkitada: NOAA Fishing Effort
- NormalDist by istats: Normal Dist
- np-quake by asheshwor: Quake timeline
- nwpgame by micasagroup: Next Word Prediction
- NY-Influence by johnrroby: Explore drug industry contributions in New York
- NYC_311_Dashboard by isaac-michaels: Service Requests
- nyc_jail_population by vera-institute: JailVizNYC
- nyc_noises by adamgao666: Noises Around You
- nyc_sat by rich: NYC High School Mean SAT and AP Score Analysis
- NYC_Toilet_Map by chenluji: DIDI Toilets
- nycwater by cks1001652: Exploring NYC’s Water
- NYT-bar-optimizer by gallery: About this app
- nz-election-2017 by ellisp: Forecasts for New Zealand General Election 2017
- NZ-general-election-2014 by ellisp: New Zealand General Election 2014 ‘party vote’ results by voting place
- nz-health-survey-2016-17-tier-1 by minhealthnz:
- nz-health-survey-2018-19-annual-data-explorer by minhealthnz: About
- nzcensus-cartograms by ellisp: New Zealand on census night 2013, at a glance
- nzes2014_x_by_party by ellisp: Party vote characteristics at the New Zealand General Election 2014
- NZX_Share_Price_Prediction by transbig: NZX Share Price Prediction Web App
- oakbirdpop by aknw: Oak Bird Pop
- oba1 by biotransformers: OBA
- obsbrain by conxz: obsBrain: Observatory of Brain
- ODdash_v1 by pdop: The California Opioid Surveillance Dashboard has moved!
- ODSI_continuousData by minnier: Continuous Data
- OECD by mytinyshinys: OECD
- OH_Medical_Treat_Toxin by arka1985: Medical Management Guidelines for Toxic Substances
- OLS-App by econometricsbysimulation: Ordinary Least Squares
- olympics by cadolph: Who’s Winning the Olympics?
- OnlineApp by flore: A vous de jouer !
- open-science-networks by subugoe: European Open Science Networks (Beta)
- openAnalysis by hdoran: Toolbar
- openfda-dashboard by diabetescheck: FDA Adverse Event Dashboard
- opioid_rx_rate by natea: Opioid Prescribing Rate Visualizations
- OpioidActionPlan by injuryfreenc: NC Opioid Dashboard
- optimal_identification by mmcbee: Optimal Gifted Identification
- orcid by aushsi: Reducing the administrative burden on researchers
- oreilly_data_science_salary by yasserglez: O’Reilly ‘2015 Data Science Salary Survey’ models
- osf_shinyapp by kissel: Population supplemenation options for the Oregon spotted frog in British Columbia
- Overall_ecosystem_stability_demo by frankpennekamp: Overall ecosystem stability
- Overplots by johnyagecic: Input Variables
- OxRep_maps_mines by livedataoxford: Oxford Roman Economy Project
- p-curves by lakens: Distribution of Cohen’s d, p-values, and power curves for an independent two-tailed t-test
- p-uniform by rvanaert: Web application p-uniform
- p_mercado_dia_qro by detags: Detags
- Pages by languagevariationsuite: Language Variation Suite (LVS)
- pairs_graphicalvar by emoriebeck: Idiographic Networks
- pangea by jakewestfall: PANGEA: Power ANalysis for GEneral Anova designs
- papr by jhubiostatistics: papr - peer review, but easier
- PARCIs by spirikahu: Confidence Intervals for Population Attributable Risk
- Parks by mhairi: Edinburgh Parks
- Parliament by pitakakariki: New Zealand Parliament
- part1_devdataprod-shiny by swhgoon: mtcars dataset
- partyExplorer by tladeras: Tree Analysis
- patek13 by samizdat: Kolik pátků třináctého jste už zažili?
- pc_delegate_tracker by tomstringham: PC Alberta Leadership Delegate Tracker
- pces by blakemcshane: Power-Calibrated Effect Size (PCES)
- pD_app by johnlray: Death Probability by Demographic Group
- PenalizedRegression by andland: Penalized Regression
- Percy_Has_Neural_Gas by asbcllc: Percival Bresler’s Got Neural Gas
- PerformanceMeasures by cfrm: Performance Measures
- PerformanceWebapp by applocation: MMDAT
- Permits by yvelez: Protest Permits
- PERS-calc by kesh-lab: Sample Psychosis Risk Prediction Calculator
- perseus by rafaelmenmell: Web Scraping and Text Mining in Ancient Sources
- Person_App by domrussel: The Identity Generator
- personal by pablovicentemunuera: Pablo Vicente Munuera
- pet-records-app by jennadallen: Pet Records
- petroglifos_galicia by c-rellan: Arte rupestre galega
- phenome_bingo by plantmodelling: Conference bingo!
- Philly-Crime-Parts-I-II by miningthedetails: Philadelphia Crime Statistics
- photo-voltaic-growth by acuariano: Solar photo-voltaic capacity growth
- phyllotaxis3d by cortinah: Phyllotaxis in 3D by @cortinah
- physical_network by robertcope: Physical transport network into Australia
- phyteauviz by pedagueau: Phyt’eau viz
- pickles by hartlab: Loading…
- pimpMyShiny by dreamrs-fan: Bienvenue dans l’application pimpée sur les R Addicts !
- PingPongUH by rodlammers: Inputs
- pips by pittsburghpa: Broadband Internet Coverage in Pittsburgh, PA: June 2016
- PiSimulations by bgstieber: Simulating pi
- Plan4Heat by greensway: Plan4Heat
- playoff_simulator by dantok18: Simulating an NBA Playoff Series
- plebiscito by randommonkey: Cargando…
- ploption by trading: Ploption: A P&L tool for Plotting Options
- plotlylayout by paulcbauer: Plotly: Styling the layout by Paul C. Bauer Tweet
- plotlymarkers by paulcbauer: Plotly: Styling the markers by Paul C. Bauer Tweet
- plotROC by sachsmc: ROC Plot
- pmi_calculator by acsgcipr-predictpmi: PMI Calculator
- pmsignature_shiny by friend1ws: pmsignture for shiny
- PNW_Webpage by pnw-science: Welcome to the Pacific Northwest Regional Science Fair!
- pogoda by openmeteo: Przeglądarka archiwalnych danych meteorologicznych
- Point_Diff_Shiny by mattmills49: Play by Play College Football Point Differentials
- poker-variance-app by ibombonato: Poker variance
- PoliticalSpeechProject by rania: PSP
- pollsavvy by pollsavvy: PollSavvy
- polMonitor by ewenme: polMonitor
- population-estimates by scotland: Population Estimates of Scotland - National Records of Scotland
- population-projection-variants-scotland-uk by scotland: Population projections of Scotland - National Records of Scotland
- PosiPredVal by acarloto: Disease Probability Given a Positive Diagnostic Test
- positions by gamma-trader: G.O. Positions Watch
- posr by plantid: Plants of the Shoalhaven Region
- postElection by jackman: Performance of Sportsbet seat-by-seat market prices, 2016 Australian election results as of 7am 27 September 2016 AEST
- power by istats: Errors & Power
- power by sb452: Online sample size and power calculator for Mendelian randomization with a binary outcome
- power-app by egap: Power Calculator
- Power_Calculator by egap: Power Calculator
- Powerball by dvcv: Powerball
- powerplants by jianhua: U.S. Powerplants
- ppfd_by_time by asianturfgrass: PPFD and DLI by time, day, latitude, and longitude.
- PRECISE by mjha: PRECISE: Proteomic based integrated subject-specific networks in cancer
- precisely by malcolmbarrett: Estimate Sample Size Based on Precision
- precpbnu by fcdidone: Precipitação em Blumenau
- predict_real_estate_price by fbarth: Residential Real Estate Prices Prediction
- predicter by estech: PredicTER
- prediction_shinyApp by sayandev: Data Science Capstone: Text Prediction Engine
- PredWord by abhishekumrawal: PredWord
- preferences by ipwenergy: Energie-Enquete 2016 - Erste Einblicke
- premierleague by algospark: Premier League Predictor
- premierLeague by mytinyshinys: BPL
- premium_map by nycschoolcost: Price Differences Across New York City School Zones
- PreopDrugs by dannyjnwong: Preop Medication Advice v0.1
- presentation by herimanitra: Presentation
- presentation_jmlr_15_delgado14a by albahnsen: Paper - DWNHC
- Presidential_Approval_Ratings_Developing_Data_Products by shdurham: Summarized Presidential Approval Ratings (1945-1974)
- Presidential_Rankings by acm9q: US Presidential Rankings
- ProbApp by ismay: Calculator for Probability Distributions by Chester Ismay and Logan Soich
- probitProportions by richarddmorey: Probit Bayes factor (two proportions)
- problemas by juliomulero: Problemas
- process_nhanes_app by jhubiostatistics: Web App for Processing NHANES Accelerometer Data
- Project by amritpatel: 2015 NCAAB Tournament Predictor
- project by rgferreira: Interactive 3D plot for mtcars data set
- project_develdataprod by juaparal: Developing Data Products Project
- Project_Iris by inudaiskii: Plotting Iris with Shiny Application
- prophet_explore by omaymas: Prophet Explorer
- prospecttheory by marcelogelati: Navegação
- providence_viewer by dgrtwo: How StackOverflow Sees You
- PSA_Velocity by zx8754: PSA Velocity
- psychRisk by leobrueg: psychRisk
- public_sector_employment by mroutley: Public-sector employment in Ontario
- PulseWaveSync_2_1 by pulsewavesync: PulseWaveSync2.1
- pvalueviz by peerjeda: What do p-values look like?
- qualite-des-eaux by ssm-ecologie: Les pesticides dans les cours d’eau des Pays de la Loire
- quantgensimAPP by mgstetter: Genetic architecture and selective sweeps after polygenic adaptation to distant trait optima
- QueenOfHearts by gjkerns: Queen of Hearts
- QuoiR by wuli: QuoiR
- R-Cube by randomwalker: R Cube
- r-tags by omaymas: R Questions Tag Pairs on Stackoverflow
- r11_app by usda: Region 11 Web App
- R_from_Stata by rslbliss: To R from Stata: An Introduction
- R_Programming by f3rdata: Word Cloud
- r_regex_tester by spannbaueradam: R Regex Tester
- R_social_data_analytics by curiositybits: An interactive tutorial for COMM 497DB
- radiant by vnijs: Radiant
- railtrails by jmichaelrosenberg: Find the top rail-trails (using reviews from TrailLink)
- raincloudplots by gabrifc: Raincloud-shiny
- random_gen by aurora: Randomization table for clinical trials!
- random_mixing_PWID_models by rapmasterhap: Random mixing & HIV prevention for PWID
- ratp_traffic by dreamrs-phi: Le Métro parisien en 2017
- rcc-risk-calculator by rgulati: A risk calculator for a patient with clinical T1 renal cortical mass ≤ 7 cm
- rcheology by hughjonesd: Base R Functions from R 1.0.1 onwards
- reactive-poll-and-file-reader by gallery: reactivePoll and reactiveFileReader
- recount by jhubiostatistics: recount2: analysis-ready RNA-seq gene and exon counts datasets
- recspecs_basketball_central by lbenz730: recspecs730 Basketball Central
- red_trenes by frannetworks: Introducción a la Teoría de Redes
- redlight by miningchi2: Accident Analysis for Chicago
- ref2014 by ttso: Keyword relevance and sentiment
- regimes-of-the-world by tannenberg: Regimes of the World
- regression_plus by dgolicher-bu: Linear regression + other options
- regressiontomean by andyf: Simulate regression to the mean
- RegularExpressionR by simongoring: Regular Expression Testing
- repair_app_submit by vbonapersona: RePAIR
- reports by nomoremarking: No More Marking
- ResearchProgramStrategy by antoniakrefeldschwalb: Evaluate the trustworthiness of your study!
- resistmixseq by andysouth: resistance to insecticide mixtures
- resourceprice by andrewjgillen: How Have Resource Prices Changed Over Time | Simon vs. Ehrlich Bet
- Retirement by bcrossman: Retirement
- retirement by gallery: Retirement: simulating wealth with random returns, inflation and withdrawals
- retractcheck_shinyapp by frederikaust: retractcheck
- RevoBlogApp by revolutionanalyticssid: An Interactive Graph
- rfb-explorer by conflictmetrics: Russian Facebook Ads Data Explorer
- rioweb by gallery: Output format
- riskApp by melondonkey: Risk
- rivals_shiny by nickbloom: Mapping the Rivals 100, Interactive Edition
- river_sunburst by nddeepak: Whole-Part
- river_water_quality_nitrogen by statisticsnz: River nitrogen
- rmd_templates_on_cran by haozhu233: RMD templates on CRAN
- rnc-charlotte by wesslen: Charlotte-RNC 2020 Tweets
- rnomads_model_change by jpn5089: Exploring the rNOMADS Package
- ROC-Curves by kennis-research: Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curves
- roc-precision-recall by rafalab: ROC to precision-recall curve translator
- roc_wage_data by cjf4: Rochester, NY Wage Data 2011-2015
- roman_empire by kamilgregor: Roman Empire Year by Year
- rPackageStats by craigwang: Download of R Packages Worldwide
- rPackedBarDemo by spannbaueradam: Packed Bar Charts using the rPackedBar package
- RPS-Shiny by brandonkopp: RPS Shiny
- RR_D by openfda: RR-Drug
- rsconf_tweets by gadenbuie: rstudio::conf_twitter()
- rshinylady by gqueiroz: R-Ladies
- rsprite by steamtraen: rSPRITE beta 0.15
- rtide by poissonconsulting: Tide Predictions
- RTutorSoapOperas by claraulmer: RTutor
- rugsmaps by blenditbayes: R User Groups Around the World
- SACTN by robert-schlegel: The SACTN Web Interface
- safe by safescore: SAFE Score: Individualized Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation in Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis
- safetyapp by becca-krouse: Safety Explorer Shiny App
- SalaryExample by kenriceuw: Salary boxplots
- sales by suebayes: ECommerce Dashboard
- saltydates by mekline: SaltyDates
- SampDist_discrete by istats: Sampling Distribution Mean
- sample-size-calculator by fahim: Sample size calculation
- sample_away by troettger: Sample away
- sample_means by ihstevenson: Distribution of Sample Means
- sample_size_calculator by drkhaled: Sample size calculator by Khaled Alqahtani @alqahtani_khald
- san_diego_progressive_voter_meta-guide by violadoesdata: San Diego Primaries 2018 - Progressive Voter Meta-Guide
- Santander-Product-Recommendation by tvdwiele: Santander product recommendation
- SARexplore by ou-statswidgets: Species area relationship
- sasmap by mangothecat: sasMap - Function Map for SAS
- scavengerhunt by jlsumner: Local Government Scavenger Hunt
- SCD-effect-sizes by jepusto: Single-case effect size calculator
- SceneWalk by engbertlab: Spatial statistics and attentional dynamics in scene viewing
- science_podcasts by plantmodelling: Science podcast finder
- scotlandperforms_alpha by scotland: Scotland Performs Dashboard
- Scratch by wilkins: Bird Vocal Scaling
- screen_tb by wpro: ScreenTB - target prioritization and strategy selection for tuberculosis screening (active case finding)
- scripts by nicholas-coles: Open MetaPipeline
- SDAppvX1 by yanru-xing: Evaluating yield loss due to seed degeneration over time
- seabird-threats by dragonfly-science: Demography
- SealedMTG by troyhernandez: MTG Sealed Draft Tool - M20
- Search_Pepys by goldin: Search the Diary of Samuel Pepys
- searchConsoleRDemo by mark: searchConsoleR Shiny Demo
- Season_Projections by loghan: Hansen Ratings
- season_projections by Loghan: Hansen Ratings
- seasonal_rainfall by statisticsnz: Seasonal rainfall
- seasoning by mdlincoln: seasoning: salt your data
- seattle_sidewalks by gngu: SEA Sidewalks
- SeawaterCarbonateSystem by gcri-doab: Seawater Carbonate System
- seb-tallinn-marathon by andybeger: SEB Tallinn Marathon 2014 Results
- section7 by defenders-esc: Section 7 consultations
- seeClimate by wilkins: SeeClimate
- seg_admision_colegios_zgz_2016 by scien-analytics: Evolución solicitudes Colegios Zaragoza
- semantic_net by rosenbusch: SSN
- SensSpec by gettingthingsr: GettingThingsR
- Sentiment-analysis by quintana: Twitter Sentiment Analysis
- sentiment-visualization-us-dataset by hnhenk10: Sentiment visualization of US leaders, source - Twitter/
- SentimentApp by thedatajournalist: The Data Journalist: Summarize My Text
- SER_TWITTER by adelmoaguiarfilho: III SER on Twitter
- serialApp by dgrtwo: Visualizing the phone calls of Serial
- server-to-client-custom-messages by gallery: sendCustomMessage example
- SETHs by jmichaelrosenberg: State Educational Twitter Hashtags (SETHs)
- settFeb2015 by objectcomputing: Fitting Data to a Model
- Severity by marcosjnez: Severe Testing
- severity_power_pvalues by karthikdurvasula: Calculator: P-value, Power, Severity
- sfhip-app by jrnew: SFHIP
- sfm-exporter by stefanocoretta: SFM exporter (Toolbox/FLEx SIL)
- SFREC_Web_Application by ucanr: University of California - Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center
- sg-equality-evidence-finder by scotland: This is the beta version of the new Equality Evidence Finder. We’re still working on the site, and welcome any comments or suggestions by email to [email protected]
- sg-salmon-conservation by scotland: Conservation Regulations
- sgpvalue by lucy: Second Generation P-values
- shank_family_running_log_2012-2017 by fweco: Shank Family Running Log 2012-2017
- shc_example by pkimes: Significance for Hierarchical Clustering
- sheep by maxshang: Lamb Finishing
- shiny by blancacalvofigueras: The Life of News Stories
- Shiny by decisionsciences: Shiny
- shiny by james-thorson: Visualize fish traits
- shiny by keniasousa: Graduates by Country per Year
- shiny by kyle765: School Idol Tomodachi Team Builder
- shiny by nmdpredictions: NMD Prediction Tool
- shiny by nsf-grfp: Undergraduate Universities of GRFP Recipients
- shiny by penn-musa: Predicting Neighborhood Lead Risk in Minneapolis
- Shiny by principalimages: Image decomposition
- shiny by randomizeauthor: randomizeAuthor
- shiny by sifteambuilder: School Idol Tomodachi Team Builder
- SHINY by summersuny: The NYC Citi Bike App
- shiny by swainjo: Ebola Twitter Analysis
- shiny-accidents-barcelona by ddrbcn: Accidents gestionats per la Guàrdia Urbana a la ciutat de Barcelona.
- shiny-biclust by uhasselt: biclustGUI
- Shiny-CutOffs by neurotroph: Cut-Off Values for Tests
- shiny-examples by wrightaprilm: treesiftr
- shiny-iatlas by isb-cgc: CRI iAtlas Portal
- shiny-on by dc-coder: Lebanon’s data indicators
- shiny-pov by ndasilva: US Poverty
- shiny-salesman by gallery: Traveling Salesman with Simulated Annealing, Shiny, and R
- shiny-stocks by und1f: Stock graph
- shiny_app by aakarshgupta: My Text prediction App
- shiny_app by jflancer: The Sports Network
- shiny_app_project_montecarlo by guilleatt: MonteCarlo method: Calculating a circle area
- shiny_cumu_hr_app by billpetti: About
- shiny_Ergebnismodell by nobilor: Fussball-Ergebnissimulation nach Mannschaftsscore und erwarteter Torzahl
- shiny_ffl_app by billpetti: Fantasy Football Tool
- shiny_geolocation by tomaugust: Superzip
- shiny_gradient_descent by analysingstuffs: Gradient Descent
- shiny_model2 by niceguy: 1yr mortality risk calculator
- shiny_plots by costeapaul: Silly plots
- shiny_spraychart by billpetti: The Interactive Spray Chart Tool
- shiny_testers by testersurvey: Explore a Sample of Software Testers
- shiny_travel by stevenvanbelleghem: Shiny travel
- shiny_twitter_chart by daigotanaka: My Tweets in 2014: Impressions and Engagements
- shinyaim by chikudaisei: ShinyAIM: Shiny Application for Interactive Manhattan Plots
- shinyampvis by kasperskytte: Amplicon Visualiser
- shinyapp by chadburdyshaw: Twitter Origin Word Cloud
- shinyApp by dgason: Cost of College
- shinyapp by opendata: Rate bicycle infrastructure in your area!
- ShinyApp by sriyoda: Airline Passenger Density by Country
- shinyappbubbles by franiis: What does this application do?
- ShinyAppEmployment by dmundjar: Zaposlenost: Hrvatska
- ShinyAssignment by aakarshgupta: Data visualization of a Random Sample
- shinybrot by blmr: Shinybrot
- ShinyBuilder by iheart: Confirm Deletion
- ShinyCaret by earlglynn: Shiny Caret Lab: Image Segmentation Data
- shinyCEO by joseppuig: Baròmetre d’opinió
- shinychamp by psychemedia: F1 Driver Championship Scenarios, 2016
- shinyCountryTimeseries by chendaniely: Plotting Ebola
- shinycsv by jhubiostatistics: shinycsv: explore a table interactively
- ShinyDeploy by datagenii: Data Genii Interactive Analysis Tool
- ShinyDosing by zaborek-uwsurgery: Thyroid Hormone Dosing with Poisson Regression
- shinyearr_demo by nickstrayer: shinyearr demo
- shinyfftrees by econpsychbasel: Shiny FFTrees
- ShinyFork by mattbrehmer: ShinyFork
- shinyGEO by gdancik: shinyGEO
- shinygpas by chikudaisei: ShinyGPAS
- shinyK by gmdn: Reuters-21578 Data
- shinykonfound by jmichaelrosenberg: KonFound-It!
- ShinyMarsouin by marsouin: Shiny Marsouin
- shinyMB by fedematt: Power&Sample Sizes Tool
shinyMig_UpperAT by
donk23: shinyMig OÖ
- Migrationsbilanz der oö. Bezirke, 2002 - 2012
- ShinyNLP by gianfranco-campana: JHU Data Science Specialization Capstone Project
- shinyplay03 by weinbergerlab: Vaccine Impact Confidence Evaluation (VICE)
- shinyplot by sjspielman: Visualize simple data distributions with ggplot2
- ShinyPop by iainmstott: ShinyPop
- shinyQuantMod by edbullen: Stock Closing Price History
- shinyr_trends by ajaykumar: Interactive Bivariate
- shinyresumedemo by mfoos: Shiny Resume Builder
- shinyRootBox by plantmodelling: CRootBox
- shinySC by internetrepublica: Calculadora del efecto de cambios SEO
- shinysense_earr_demo by nickstrayer: shinyearr demo
- shinyski by skitestguys: shiny ski
- shinySpecClust by abreschi: CGM viewer
- shinytextpredict by herchu: Let me guess your next word
- ShinyTimeseriesForecasting by aneesha: Timeseries Forecasting
- shinyTreeViewer by klash: shinyTreeViewer
- shinyV03 by natydasilva: PPforest visualization
- shinyvalidinp-demo by szilard: Shiny input validation - demo
- shinyweatherdata by rokka: Shiny weather data
- shinyWidgets by dreamrs-vic: shinyWidgets Overview
- shinyWYSIWYG by jcrodriguez: shinyWYSIWYG
- shotGroupsApp by dwoll: Analyze shooting results using shotGroups
- showcase by rusdracor: Russian Drama Corpus (RusDraCor): Showcase
- ShowofHands by kgilpas: Show of Hands Quiz
- shrlog_example by knilda: Graylog - Analysis
- SHW2 by dsollberger: SHW2
- SHW3 by dsollberger: SHW3
- signify by nanx: Signify
- Simple by erikvoeten: Voting with the US in the UN
- simple_regression by gallery: Simple Linear Regression
- simple_shiny_randomization by josh-kalla: Randomization Tool
- SimpleROC by maureen: Simple ROC Demo
- singlemalt by kart: Single Malt Discovery, by Bespoke Data Insights Ltd
- Sixer by tvganesh: cricketr analyzes Cricketers!
- skill_metrics by meteoswiss-climate: Forecast skill metrics
- skill_metrics by meteoswiss: Forecast skill metrics
- SLOAPCDWebDataDisplay by ktupper: Air Quality Conditions in San Luis Obispo County
- slr_diag by gallery: Diagnostics for simple linear regression
- Smart_Cities_India by avinashr: Smart Cities Mission
- smartphonepersonality by psychology: Predicting smartphone operating system from personality and individual differences
- SMARTsize by nseewald1: SMART Sample Size Calculator
- SMT-Sudan by momen: Social Media Trend Sudan
- so-trends by dgrtwo: Stack Overflow Trends
- soccerteams by jalapic: Comparing English soccer teams across time
- SocialMediaPulse by manaswink: Sentiment Pie
- sodastream by mali-codes: SodaStream Calculator
- solar-system-mapper by pdwarf: Solar System Mapper
- song_lyric_term_matching by michaelpawlus: Song Lyric Matching Terms
- sotushiny by brandonkopp: SOTU Explorer
- SOTUshiny by brandonkopp: SOTU Explorer
- spatialepiapp by paulamoraga: SpatialEpiApp
- Spearman-Brown_App_18Oct2016 by ajthurston: Spearman-Brown Calculator
- specialprotectionwatersexplorer by elainepanuccio: DRBC Special Protection Waters Monitoring Program Explorer
- speciesplotviewer by charlieouthwaite: Species Occupancy Plot Viewer
- speedtestR by rhuanlima: Net Virtua Speedtest
- spillover-app by egap: Geographic Spillovers
- splineapp by obrl-soil: SplineApp
- spmetacase1 by blakemcshane: SPM: Single Paper Meta-analysis
- Sport_Difficulty by jwwanalytics: Common Sports Ranked by Difficulty
- spotifyapp by joelcponte: Pick Artists
- Spray-Chart by danmalter: MLB Spray Charts
- SRM_R by davidakenny: Social Relations Model Estimation
- SS_regression by paternogbc: Parameters
- START by kcvi: START: Shiny Transcriptome Analysis Resource Tool
- startup-funding by abmish: How much fund can you raise for your startup?
- statnetWeb by statnet: statnetWeb
- Stats by sahuvaibhav: Stats
- Steve_Bronder_Tufte by stevebronder: Edward Tufte Weather Graphic for Eleven Cities
- sthlm_temperatures by mikaelhuss: Current Stockholm temperature in context
- sti-screen by epimodel: MSM STI Screening
- StochasticCompetition by phyzoo: Stochastic competition model (2 Species)
- stock_vol by trading: Chart Inputs
- stockReturns by nitingupta2: Investment Performance
- stocks by hansonwu: StockChart
- StockWatch by dataflemming: Stock Watch
- stopcovar by echodroff: Covariation of stop consonant cues
- streamflow_joyplots by lsteely: JoyFlow
- stringr_help by omaymas: Stringr Explorer
- StructuralCoexistence by ecodynamics: Understanding Structural Coexistence for Multispecies Communities
- student_alc_consumption by adhokshaja: Daily Alcohol Consumption And Grades/Gender
- subalgebra by trevor: Reddit Subreddit Similarity and Algebra
- Sudoku by michielkoens: Sudoku
- sudoku-solver by dirk: Solve Sudokus with GLPK and R
- suicide by seigma: SEIGMA: Suicide Shiny App
- suicidenetwork by derekdebeurs: Tutorial
- SuperDuplicates by chao: SuperDuplicates
- superzip by jcheng: Superzip
- surv_h27 by rs-fan-jp: 日本人H27完全生命表による生存曲線
- survey by csaid: #Repligate survey
- Survey by econometricsbysimulation: Shiny Survey Tool v.01
- SurvivalCalculator by kecc: Estimated Kidney Graft Survival Calculator
- Survivor_Optimization_App_2 by hatch113g: Hatch’s Eliminator/Survivor Optimization App
- SuspicionScoreswithDataDownload by jprims: Suspicious Response Detector
- svensk_partiopinion by lovechristensen: Svensk partiopinion
- svmeasyapp by axelmora: SVM easyApp
- SwedishTwitterCommunities by mikaelhuss: Swedish Twitter
- swiftkey-cap by farsite: Type Ahead Prediction
- swmp_agg by beckmw: Aggregation of SWMP parameters within/between reserves
- swmp_comp by beckmw: Trends in SWMP parameters
- swmp_summary by beckmw: Monthly and annual summary of SWMP parameters
- SWOP by swopmd: Statistics Without Probability - A New Statistical Paradigm: By Dr Mithilesh Dronavalli
- swopreg by swopmd: Regression with Statistics Without Probability using Corrected Treatment Effect for adjusting: By Dr Mithilesh Dronavalli
- syllabustool by jlsumner: Gender Balance Assessment Tool (GBAT)
- T1RiskEngine by steno: Steno T1 Risk Engine
- t21app by hoehle: Risk of trisomy 21 after First-Trimester Screening
- tag-traffic-hour by dgrtwo: When do Stack Overflow users visit particular technologies?
- tagtime-vis by alexschell: TagTime Visualizer
- tallfeet by hayle: Exploring Class Height and Foot Size Data
- tarteebEldof3a by alexf: Tarteeb Eldof3a scraped from the website. Not responsible for mistakes
- taskviewr by bearloga: R Packages and Licenses by Task View
- TAVI_Risk_calculator by atsol: TAVI 30 day Mortality Calculator
- taxcuts by econdata: Comparison of Tax Plans
- Taxis-Trajectories by dguzman: Oporto Taxi Routes
- tdist by dswalter: Interactive Student’s T Density
- tds_leaflet by richpauloo: TDS in the Tulare Basin
- TeamPerformance by cchappas: Comparing Actual and Expected Football Results
- Telecom_Trend by sirujam: Yearwise Trend - Mobile (1980 - 2013)
- Tenure_Explorer_App by datascapes: Housing Tenure Explorer
- test1 by jabiologo: BioTraffic , by KATUMWA RANGERS
- test_project by skaae: Gaussian Process example
- texas_pyramids by walkerke: Demographics of Texas Counties, 2010-2050
- text-predictor by andywon: Text Prediction
- TextMining by languagevariationsuite: Interactive Text Mining Suite
- thecost by precision-methodologies: The Cost of 1-Size-Fits-All Dose Finding in Oncology
- themepower by andyf: Supporting thinking on sample sizes for thematic analyses
- theorymaker3 by stevepowell: Theory Maker
- thePhactory by tylerclavelle: The Phactory
- thermohydrographs by aquapeek: River Thermohydrographs
- thisnotthatstat by rkbarney: ThisNotThatStat
- tiapp by rajuvarghese: Top Income Share
- tidyeval by ijlyttle: Tidyeval
- tidytuesdayrocks by nsgrantham:
- tigris-zip-income by walkerke: Average total income reported to the IRS, 2013
- timer by cistrome: TIMER
- titanic by gregbehm: Titanic
- titanic-app by paul-reiners: Would you survive on the Titanic?
- TitanicSurvivalApp by shashanksalvi: Titanic Survival Analysis and Prediction
- tlc_fast_dash by tlcanalytics: TLC FastDash
- tlit by stia: SATIS Tool Prototype
- tmb_orr by ahopkins: TMB Predictions
- TODD_UWhunger by kdvdecisionanalysis: Childhood Poverty and Hunger in the Triangle
- tommerpriser by endrh: Tømmerpriser
- tompkins-county-law-enforcement-shared-services by cgr-datascience: Tompkins County LESS Data Explorer
- tornasol by datascienceperu: TORNASOL: National Peruvian Data - Cross Sectional Study of Cardiovascular Diseases
- tourism_dashboard_prod by mbienz: New Zealand Tourism Dashboard
- ToxBox by lancs: Jittered Boxplots for Toxicological Data
- track by mrd4: Data Viz Dashboard
- traffic_riddle by mfviz: Traffic Simulation
- trafficcare2 by guanzy: In this Area:
- training_console_sample by jinsmeme: JINS MEME Run - Training Console
- trajectory-distribution by saberpowers: Jointly predicting exit velocity and launch angle for batter-pitcher matchups
- TransitionInEnergyDemandSectors by imaclim: The transition in energy demand sectors to limit global warming to 1.5°C - an Interactive app
- TrapSim_C2C by landcare: TrapSim: Cape to City
- traveller_screening by cmmid-lshtm: Effectiveness of airport-based interventions at detecting travellers and delaying an outbreak of COVID-19 (formerly 2019-nCoV)
- trimleaguetable2 by nzcms-ct-data-explorer: BODE3 League Table
- TRiPS by starrfelt: Paleodiversity - TRiPS and the Paleobiology Database
- TSupplyDemand by gallery: Pilot Police Demand Planning Tool
- tun_elections by agstudy: Tunisian Election Analyzer
- turf_twitter_2018 by asianturfgrass: Turfgrass Twitter 2018
- turfsi by asianturfgrass: Sustainability index (SI) calculator
- turnover-and-retention-grids by department-for-education: Teachers Analysis Compendium 4
- tv_show_aging_curves by robarthur: TV Show Aging Curves
- TWD_Projekt2 by madziq: Pick your favourite hero in the Avengers movie
- tweedie-viz by colonelsmoothie: Tweedie-Visualizer
- tweetcloud by vivekkhetan: WordCloud from Twitter Trends and Search
- tweetdivide by alspeed09: Divide tu texto en tweets manejables
- TweetsAboutMe by acarloto: Tweets About Me
- tweetstorm by thinkr: tweetstorm
- twitter by huck: #SIOP16 Tweets
- twitter by maitray: Twitter Archive Analysis
- twitter by masterdatcom2017: Analisis sentimientos Twitter - DATCOM 2017
- TwitteR by medhi: A Minimum Viable Twitter Analysis Tool
- twitter_analysis by cameronlhansen: Twitter Analysis
- Twitter_Cluster_Analysis by twittertextclustering: Twitter Topic Cluster Analysis
- Twitter_SMCelection2016_app by curiositybits: Select candidates and performance indicators.
- Twitter_Tern by etachov: Did you make a Bad Tweet?
- twitteranalytics by aj17: Twitter Analytics
TwitterAnalytics by
tradewp: TWP Labs
- Twitter Analytics
- TwitterApp by datapprfn: Cazador de tweets
- twitterlive by praneeth: Live Twitter Trends
- twitterSayDisease by kenniajin: Health Tweet!
- TwitterSentiment by davidski: Sentiment Analysis for Tweets on the Strata 2015 San Jose Conference
- twittersentimentanalysis by mounabelaid: Mona’s up2: Twitter Sentiment Analysis of news from American profiles using R and ShinyDashboard
- TwitterSIYapp by lumatadigital: Twitter : Score it yourself
- twitterwordcloud by ksharma26: Twitter Word Cloud
- two_factor_power by jakewestfall: Power Analysis with Random Targets and Participants
- twodice by gregbehm: Sum of two dice simulation
- TwoWayANOVA by houssein-assaad: Publication-ready 2-AOV Tables
- type_decision_tree by zmsgnk: 女性の好みを診断
- ucrdatatool by kaplan: UCR Data Tool
- UCSC_COLA_Data by mck8dg: UCSC Graduates Students are on Strike!
- ufc_predict by arachnarchy: Fight Prediction
- ufr_analysis by mikegros: MGoBlog Upon Further Review (UFR) Visualization
- UGIB_App_USA by dshung: Acute UGIB ML Prediction Tool - U.S. Version
- UKB_geo by holtzyan: Geographical Unit
- UKMSim by kavee: UKM Simulator (SPVV)
- UNVoting by erikvoeten: United Nations General Assembly Voting Data Viewer (Beta)
- updatedncaashotchart by reefersadness: NCAAB Shot Charts
- uploadfile by gallery: Uploading Files
- upsetr by gehlenborglab: Welcome to the UpSetR Shiny App!
- urban-development-capacity by mbienz: Urban Development Capacity
- us_avg_tuition by krohitm: US average tuition for different states
- usabortionaccess by gutt: Guttmacher Institute
- user_genotypes by ekung:
- USParkFindR by tzurloye: US Park FindR
- usts by tvbassine: Usage and True Shooting Tracker
- utility by morgan: Ekonomisk nytta vid rekryteringsurval
- utility by psychometrics: Selection methods: Precision and Return On Investment
- Utility-EUT by olivierlharidon: Risk and Expected Utility
- utility_calculator by morgan: Selection methods: Precision and Return On Investment
- VancouverCrimeDashboard by bisg: Vancouver Crime Data Vizualization
varclust_online by
psobczyk: varclust
- R package for dimensionality reduction via variables clustering
- vereinbarkeitssimulator by fhsg: Vereinbarkeitssimulator
- versi-DPRD-vs-versi-Pemprov by ainunnajib: Tabel Perbandingan Mata Anggaran Belanja Daerah RAPBD 2015 versi DPRD versus versi Pemprov DKI Jakarta
- version8 by nzcms-ct-data-explorer: NZ Census Mortality and CancerTrends Study Data Explorer
- vFeedCard by kill3rbee: vFeed - CARD
- vFeedCve by kill3rbee: CVE Reporting Dashboard
- viewr_imagenet by nstrayer: Imagenet Classifier
- Violin by vivaldianalytics: Violin
- Virus_Titration_Calculators by alegione: Virus titration calculators
- VisMRI by athanasiamo: MRI visualisation
- Visual_Resume by ndphillips: Visual Resume Generator
- Visualisasi by surabayanlp: Visualisasi Analisis Sentimen Terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan Publik Di Kota Surabaya Berdasarkan Klasifikasi Komentar Di Media Sosial Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes
- visualizeChange by supersambo: #VisualizeChange
- VizAward_HS by gfoe2016: GfÖ 2016
- VO2sim by tenan: VO2sim: A Tool for Visualizing and Quantifying Day-to-Day Measurement Error in Indirect Calorimetry
- voice_random_sampling by jcrodriguez: Random Sampling
- VoronoiInegi by conabio: Tianguis de México
- voronoys by voronoys: VORONOYS
- vote by minecr: Should I vote?
- votr by cdermont: Abstimmungsresultate 1866-2017
- wackywordlist by cainesap: The WaCky Wordlist
- Wage by catwizard: Wage Exploration
- Wahlerwartung by zweitstimme: Ihre Wahlerwartung
- WaitingForTheEditor by jweisber: Waiting for the Editor
- water_network by plantmodelling: Water Tool Network
- waterlevel by ttso: Sea water level along the Finnish coastline
- wc18-age by mattdray: How many footballers at World Cup 2018 were younger than you?
- weatherdashboard by bigagdata: Weather dashboard
- web_app by asclepiusgal: awesome troll filter!
- WebAnalytics-Dashboard by mcpasin: Web Analytics Dashboard with R Shiny
- webapp by dirkseidensticker: aDRAC (Archives des datations radiocarbone d’Afrique centrale)
- webappdontrandomize by maxkasy: Design parameters
- WeightFunctionModel by vevealab: The Vevea and Hedges Weight-Function Model for Publication Bias
- WelshStudy2 by lippincott: Welsh ICU 1-year survival data
- wgstogk by zkuralt: WGStoGK - version 0.8.7
- wham_v1 by ruggleslab: Workflow Hub for Automated Metagenomic Exploration
- whatsapp_analyser by holnburger: Whatsapp Analyser
- WhereShouldYouLive by derek-corcoran: Where should you live according to your climate preferences?
- whiskyTastingsApp by ojessen: Whisky tastings
- whos-at-cogsci by nolan: Who’s at CogSci? 2016
- wildfireapp by geospatialtraining: Visualizing Wildfires in the Western United States
- windapp by danbro: Comparing the Regional Wind Power Potential in Sweden
- winprot20 by saidee: In-game Win Probability Calculator for T20 Matches
- wisdom_database by marckissel: Search by age
- Word_cloud_generator_wikipedia by josearuiperez: Word Cloud of Wikipedia Terms
- word_psychic by melissatan: word psychic - a coursera capstone project
- wordcloud01 by rapps: Word Clouds
- WordcloudExploreR by verenahaunschmid: WordcloudExploreR
- WordCloudProject by agileanalytics: Hearthstone Twitch Chat Clouds for 8 Streamers
- wordmapper by wordmapper: Word Mapper
- WordSeer_ShinyApp by gcampuzano14: WordSeer
- wordspace by doomlab: Word Space Creator
- work-pals by aushsi: Network diagram of investigators
- World_Conflicts by andrewrmcneil: World Conflicts
- world_map by bsuthersan: Annual food consumption (kilograms per person)
- World_Population_Pyramid by andrewrmcneil: World Population
- worldBank by mytinyshinys: World Bank
- worldcup by cultureofinsight: LES BUTS DE LA COUPE DU MONDE 2018
- WorldCupGoals by tylerlewiscook: When World Cup Goals Are Scored
- wuenic_analytics by unicef: WUENIC Analytics
- yahoo by quantstats: Download Data from Yahoo Finance by Majeed Simaan
- yuimaGUI by yuima: yuimaGUI
- zika_cdc_dashboard by chendaniely: Number of valid data points per country
- ztable by cardiomoon: Demonstration of ztable
- 002-text by demo: Shiny Text
- 002-text by gallery: Shiny Text
- 003-reactivity by gallery: Reactivity
- 005-sliders by gallery: Sliders
- 007-widgets by gallery: More Widgets
- 009-upload by gallery: Uploading Files
- 00_ClassProject-Submittals by modernkris: US Storms/Weather Events and Damages
- 01-barcelona-incidents-complaints-suggestions by marcfresquet: Contactes Aj. BCN
- 011-timer by gallery: Timer by RStudio, Inc.
- 012-datatables by gallery: Examples of DataTables
- 013-selectize by gallery: Selectize examples
- 016-knitr-pdf by gallery: Download a PDF report
- 018-datatable-options by gallery: DataTable Options
- 019-mathjax by gallery: MathJax Examples
- 02-Vis-Basics by tutorials: Data Visualization Basics
- 021-selectize-plot by demo: Create plots in selectize input
- 021-selectize-plot by gallery: Create plots in selectize input
- 022-unicode-chinese by gallery: 麻麻再也不用担心我的Shiny应用不能显示中文了
- 024-optgroup-selectize by gallery: Options groups for select(ize) input
- 027-absolutely-positioned-panels by gallery: Absolutely-positioned panels
- 029-row-selection by demo: Row selection in DataTables
- 02_text by gallery: Shiny Text
- 030-basic-datatable by gallery: Basic DataTable
- 032-client-data-and-query-string by gallery: Client data and query string example
- 035-custom-input-bindings by gallery: Custom input example
- 037-date-and-date-range by gallery: Dates and date ranges
- 040-dynamic-clustering by gallery: Dynamic Clustering in Shiny
- 047-image-output by gallery: Image output
- 050-kmeans-example by gallery: Iris k-means clustering
- 051-movie-explorer by gallery: Movie explorer
- 053-navlistpanel-example by gallery: Navlist panel example
- 054-nvd3-line-chart-output by gallery: JavaScript output binding example
- 057-plot-plus-three-columns by gallery: Diamonds Explorer
- 058-progress-example by gallery: Progress demo
- 061-server-to-client-custom-messages by gallery: sendCustomMessage example
- 064-telephones-by-region by gallery: Telephones by region
- 065-update-input-demo by gallery: Changing the values of inputs from the server
- 066-upload-file by gallery: Uploading Files
- 069-widget-check-group by gallery: Checkbox group
- 072-widget-date-range by gallery: Date range
- 073-widget-file by gallery: File input
- 076-widget-select by gallery: Select box
- 077-widget-slider by gallery: Slider
- 082-word-cloud by gallery: Word Cloud
- 084-single-file by gallery: Single-file shiny app by RStudio, Inc.
- 085-progress by gallery: Progress bar example by RStudio, Inc.
- 086-bus-dashboard by gallery: Twin Cities Buses
- 087-crandash by gallery:
- 094-image-interaction-basic by gallery: Image interaction - basic by RStudio, Inc.
- 095-plot-interaction-advanced by gallery: Points selected by clicking, with nearPoints():
- 110-error-sanitization by gallery: Error Sanitization Demo
- 113-bookmarking-url by gallery: Bookmarking - URL by Winston Chang
- 117-shinythemes by gallery: shinythemes
- 14-ggvis by hadley: 14-ggvis
- 2018-5-Philly-Primary by hollander: 2018 Philly Primary Vote Explorer
- 2amconf by ttso: Scatterplot by School
- 2randomize by jlsumner: 2Randomize: A Tool for Large-Scale Randomization in Qualtrics
- 3D_Mapping by gallery: 3D Network Mapper
- 7State_App by es-data: Ballotpedia/Evolving Strategies LLC
- **_myShinyApp** by domfernandez: Dom Fernandez’s Shiny World!