nytimes copied to clipboard
Error: couldn't find NYTIMES_KEY environment variable
I followed the first steps to set up the environment as follows:
apikey <- paste0("NYTIMES_KEY=", "mykey____") file <- file.path(path.expand("~"), ".Renviron") cat(apikey, file = file, append = TRUE, fill = TRUE) install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("mkearney/nytimes") library(nytimes) nytsearch <- nyt_search("multiculturalism", n = 2000)
But I got this error: Error: couldn't find NYTIMES_KEY environment variable
What have I done wrong?
I used Sys.setenv(NYTIMES_KEY="MY-API-KEY") instead of the first 3 lines of code and it worked. I found that suggestion here: https://www.storybench.org/working-with-the-new-york-times-api-in-r/
Thanks @sarahemlin!