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Changing port
Hi, wx9698,
thank you for your work with Carlaviz.
I noticed that the default port is 8080 as in: "3. Open the localhost Open your web browser and go to carlaviz runs by default in port 8080. The output should be similar to the following."
Are there any ways to change this port to a different one directly from the Run command? (I wanted to change into 8003 as requested)
Thank you.
If you are runing a containerized CarlaViz, you should be able to map the internal port to some other external port. This might give you some hint.
thanks for the response. I am running containerized Carlaviz with this cmd:
docker run -p 8003:8080 -it -e CARLAVIZ_HOST_IP=localhost -e CARLA_SERVER_IP=localhost -e CARLA_SERVER_PORT=2000 mjxu96/carlaviz:latest
but we cant see any thing displayed as shown:
@Qtsho CarlaViz needs internal port 8081 to be mapped out to external port 8081 as well~
@Qtsho CarlaViz needs internal port 8081 to be mapped out to external port 8081 as well~
and 8081 must be mapped to 8081 on the host. mapping it to a different port will not work. right?
This has been solved in