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easyfig.py (command line) works for tblastx but not for blastn
Hi. I tried to use easyfig.py from the command line. It worked fine for tblastx, but it seems not to be working for blastn. Apparently, makeblastdb is not been triggered when the option is blastn. Could you please check it?
- When using blastn, this was the result:
/bin/sh: 1: makeblastdb: not found makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -out temp_easyfig/tempdb -in temp_easyfig/2.easyfig.fa BLAST Database error: No alias or index file found for nucleotide database [temp_easyfig/tempdb] in search path [/home/user/EasyFig_CommandLine::] Minimum blast hit reported: 101%
- When using tblastx, it worked:
Building a new DB, current time: 04/20/2022 13:02:35 New DB name: /home/user/EasyFig_CommandLine/temp_easyfig/tempdb New DB title: 2.easyfig.fa Sequence type: Nucleotide Keep MBits: T Maximum file size: 1000000000B Adding sequences from FASTA; added 1 sequences in 0.000867128 seconds. Minimum blast hit reported: 24.39%
I am using Linux, all blast suite files are in the path
I am having the same issue - has this been resolved?