Michael Steinbaugh

Results 49 comments of Michael Steinbaugh

@llrs I've been using this [.lintr file](https://github.com/steinbaugh/basejump/blob/master/.lintr) in my packages, which has some additional checks

Yes, refer to `BiocCheck::BiocCheck()` for details on additional Bioconductor checks. In particular, I run it on CI with these flags: https://github.com/acidgenomics/Rcheck/blob/master/checks/bioc-check

Also, one addition that would be particularly useful in my opinion is improved handling of internal S4 method functions, which currently return as lint errors. Here's an example: https://github.com/acidgenomics/basejump/blob/master/R/counts-methods.R#L46 `counts,SummarizedExperiment`...

+1 I'm hitting warnings for this when installing bcbioRNASeq

Thanks @lpantano ! Hope you're doing well

I have dplyr 1.0.0 installed on my machines. The error will reproduce in my [`acidgenomics/r-bcbiornaseq`](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/acidgenomics/r-bcbiornaseq) Docker image if you want to check it out.

This reproduces for me as well on Ubuntu and macOS.