Results 51 comments of Matt Russell

@gajus I've written a helper library, that uses the HOC approach @joshgeller used in this repo. You add it to your dependencies and then you can apply it to your...

@tony-kerz the example you link using onEnter will not work when you want to check some information against a redux store, hence the reason for using the willMount/willReceive lifecycle method...

onEnter works fine provided you have access to the store. Typically components in redux do not have an instance of the store except through the `react-redux` connect function. Im sure...

I included a section on contrasting the onEnter approach with a Higher Order Component approach in the motivation section of my utility library for HOC auth -

Thats a good question...could be a config option? The best case scenario would be a percentage of the width of the terminal window, but Im not sure you have access...

This would be really helpful as lottie also does not support a CSP without `unsafe-eval` (see What is left to get this PR merged?

With merged, shouldn't the same argument hold that `R.pathSatisfies` and `R.propSatisfies` behave the same for `undefined` and `null`? Happy to submit a PR if thats an easy decision now...

Is there an example for how to build hlint with the ghc-lib with nix? Do you override the Haskell package HLS inputs somehow?

Presumably from here? It doesn't look non-exhaustive to me and it doesn't look like its changed in a recent GHC version to add a new constructor. Am I missing...

Ohhhh, yes indeed I think that could be the culprit Stepping back for a second, and sorry if this is obvious as I'm a bit new to GHC Lib, but...