apollo-zsh-theme copied to clipboard
Heavily customizable, compatible, and fast ZSH theme framework.
Apollo ZSH Theme
Heavily customizable, compatible, and fast ZSH theme framework.
Table of Contents
Apollo ZSH Theme
- Table of Contents
- About
- Features
- Zplugin
- Zgen
- Prezto
- Oh-My-Zsh
- Manual install
- Basic Usage
Core Options
- Module Declaration
- Decorations
- Links
- Rulers
- Prompt End
- Caching
- Profiler
- Scrollback Theme
- background_jobs
- clock
- command_execution_time
- context
- date
- dir
- game
- git
- php_version
- public_ip
- quota
- root_indicator
- status
- vcs
- vi_mode
- virtualenv
Core Options
- Contributing
- Support
- Acknowledgments
- License
My initial goal was to make a few modifications to another theme to make it compatible with older zsh versions. After reviewing that however, I decided I wasn't at all happy with it and decided to write my own from scratch. This project is the result of that, and has been built with the primary goals of compatibility and flexibility. Due to it's tremendous flexibility, it should be considered more of a theme framework than a theme itself. It should be possible to reproduce just about any existing theme out there, as well as countless other possibilities, using simple configuration changes.
- Compatible with ZSH 4.3.11 or newer (Possibly older, but this is the oldest version I have to deal with)
- Simple theme creation and customization
- Faster than all but the most basic of prompt themes
- Lots of configuration options
- On the fly theme changing
- Additional modules are easy to create
- Configurable theme for buffered prompt lines. Useful for shortening multiline prompts to single line after command execution.
git clone https://github.com/mjrafferty/apollo-zsh-theme $HOME/apollo-zsh-theme
## Add this to bottom of .zprofile
## Set this in .zpreztorc
zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'apollo'
git clone https://github.com/mjrafferty/apollo-zsh-theme ${HOME}/apollo-zsh-theme
ln -s ${HOME}/apollo-zsh-theme/apollo-zsh-theme.zsh ${ZSH:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh}/custom/themes/apollo.zsh-theme
## Set this in .zshrc
zplugin ice lucid atinit'fpath+=($PWD/functions.zwc $PWD/functions ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/apollo $PWD/modules.zwc $PWD/modules)'
zplugin light mjrafferty/apollo-zsh-theme
zgen load mjrafferty/apollo-zsh-theme
Manual install
git clone https://github.com/mjrafferty/apollo-zsh-theme $HOME/apollo-zsh-theme
source $HOME/apollo-zsh-theme/apollo-zsh-theme.zsh
Basic Usage
If you're happy with the defaults, no configuration is necessary. Most users though will likely want to at least set the following in their shell startup files:
# Theme selection. The default theme is "apollo".
# Module lists for left and right prompt. Replace the * with theme name if you want
# different lists for different themes, or if you need to override lists provided by a theme.
zstyle ':apollo:*:core:modules:left' modules "module1" "module2" "etc.."
zstyle ':apollo:*:core:modules:right' modules "module1" "module2" "etc.."
An advanced usage guide is located here:
Advanced Usage
The prompts are made up of a combination of modules, and each module is made up of one or more elements. There are elements available to every module, as well as elements specific to certain modules. Both the modules and the elements that they contain each have access to a variety of attributes to define them. There are a number of attributes available to every module/element, as well as module specific ones.
All configuration is done using zstyle's. This offers tremendous context aware flexibility as well as wildcards to set attributes for a variety of matching modules/elements. Zstyle is provided by the zsh/zutil module and you can read more about it in the zshmodules man page.
Below I'll go over all of the available configuration options. For all of the examples given, I'll be using a theme name of "example".
Core Options
Module declaration
These two options decide what information will be in your prompt and where it will be located. Modules are displayed in the order they are defined. For multiline prompts, add "newline" or "ruler" to list to signal end of line. Prompts can be any number of lines. Note that right prompt does not use "ruler" and the total number of "newline" in right prompt should be less than or equal to the total number of "newline" and "ruler" in left prompt to prevent modules from not being displayed.
Option | Type | Description |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:modules:left' modules | list | Defines what and where items are displayed in left prompt |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:modules:right' modules | list | Defines what and where items are displayed in right prompt |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:modules:left' modules 'virtualenv' 'quota' 'public_ip' 'newline' 'root_indicator' 'context' 'dir' 'git' 'vi_mode' 'ruler'
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:modules:right' modules 'command_execution_time' 'background_jobs' 'date' 'clock' 'status' 'newline' 'php_version'
Line begin/end and separator elements are considered to be decorations. They should typically be enabled, but if they aren't being used and you really need to shave a few milliseconds off of prompt rendering they can be disabled.
Option | Type | Description |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:decorations' enabled | boolean | Enable module begin/end and separator elements |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:decorations' enabled "true"
Dynamic links added to prompt line ends to join lines together. These get processed on every prompt render, but have little to no effect on performance. However, if they are not used anyway, they can be disabled. The string to use for each link type is configurable, and can also be unique per side and per prompt line.
Option | Type | Description |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:links' enabled | boolean | Enable line links |
zstyle ':apollo:example:<line>:<side>:core:links:<link_type>' text | string | String to use for matching links |
Link Type | Description |
top | Top link if line has content |
mid | Middle link if line has content |
str | Middle link if line has NO content |
bot | Bottom link |
none | Link if line has no content, and lines above have no content |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:links' enabled "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:core:links:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:core:links:*' style "bold"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:left:core:links:top' text "╭─"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:left:core:links:mid' text "├─"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:left:core:links:str' text "│ "
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:left:core:links:bot' text "╰─"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:right:core:links:top' text "─╮"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:right:core:links:mid' text "─┤"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:right:core:links:str' text " │"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:right:core:links:bot' text "─╯"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:core:links:none' text ""
Rulers can be used in multiline prompts to bridge the left and right prompt. The text for these can be made up of strings of any length. Depending on terminal width, the string will be repeated as needed, and will resize with terminal window size changes. Rulers can be configured to be unique on each prompt line.
Option | Type | Description |
zstyle ':apollo:example:<line>:core:ruler' text | string | Text to use as ruler for matching lines |
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:core:ruler' style "bold"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:core:ruler' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:core:ruler' text "─"
Prompt End
This is the text displayed at the very end of the left prompt after all modules.
Option | Type | Description |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:prompt:end' text | string | Text to display at very end of left prompt |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:prompt:end' text "> "
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:prompt:end' fg_color "white"
Many modules are cached based on parameters determined by the module. For the most part this should not require any additional thought for the user, however the user may want to clear cached values on occasion. For instance if a user changes networks, the cache for public_ip may not be accurate. To force a refresh, users can hit enter a configurable number of times in order to clear module cache and force a refresh. This behavior can be disabled, and caching can also be disabled all together if desired.
Option | Type | Description |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:cache' disable | boolean | Disable caching |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:cache:clear' disable | boolean | Disable clearing of cache |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:cache:clear' count | integer | Number of enter presses needed to clear cache |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:cache' disable "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:cache:clear' disable "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:cache:clear' count "3"
This tool is primarily only useful for module development, but if you find your prompt is slow to render it can be used to identify which module is responsible. When enabled, each prompt render will output the module run times to the screen.
Option | Type | Description |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:profiler' enabled | boolean | Enable module profiler |
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:profiler' enabled "true"
Scrollback Theme
Multiline prompts can eat up a lot of space in the scrollback buffer which can be somewhat irritating. To remedy that, a secondary theme can be applied which is set before saving a line to the scrollback buffer. This is most commonly used with a simple single line prompt to prevent wasted space, but any theme can be used here. Note that async modules will not work as the buffer text can not reasonably be modified.
zstyle ':apollo:example:core:scrollback' theme "scrollback_theme_name"
Module Name | Description |
background_jobs | Display number of jobs in background |
clock | Displays current time |
command_execution_time | Execution time of last command |
context | User and hostname |
date | Today's date |
dir | Current directory |
game | Slots game |
git | Git repository information |
history | History number |
php_version | PHP version number from php --version |
public_ip | Public IP address |
quota | Disk quota warnings |
root_indicator | Root status |
status | Exit status of last command |
vcs | Version control information from vcs_info |
vi_mode | Vi mode indicator when using vi key bindings |
virtualenv | Active Python virtual environment |
newline* | For multiline prompts, signals end of line in module array |
ruler** | Same as newline, but finishes line with configurable ruler string. Not useful in right prompt |
* These are not actual modules, but have special meaning in the module lists
Number of background jobs.
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:background_jobs:*' always_show "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:background_jobs:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:background_jobs:*' bg_color "cyan"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:background_jobs:*:left:label' text "Jobs: "
Current time.
Element | Description |
12hour | 12 hour clock |
24hour | 24 hour clock |
min | Minute |
sec | Second |
ampm | AM/PM indicator |
timezone | Timezone |
Attribute | Type | Description |
elements | list | List of elements to display in module. Formatting characters can be added as "elements". See examples. |
live | boolean | Refreshes prompt every second. Kind of cool but it causes issues in some environments. |
verbose | boolean | Full or condensed output for element |
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:clock:*' elements "12hour" ":" "min" ":" "sec" " " "ampm" " " "timezone"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:clock:*' verbose "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:clock:*' live "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:clock:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:clock:*' bg_color "darkgreen"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:clock:*' style "bold"
Execution time for last command.
Attribute | Type | Description |
min_duration | integer | Don't show execution time if less than this |
precision | integer | Number of digits to show after decimal |
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:command_execution_time:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:command_execution_time:*' bg_color "navy"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:command_execution_time:*' precision "2"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:command_execution_time:*' min_duration "1"
User and hostname info.
Mode | Description |
ssh | If user logged in via SSH |
sudo | If user is using sudo |
Element | Description |
user | User name |
host | Host name |
sep | Separator between user and host |
Attribute | Type | Description |
ignore_hosts | list | List of host names to ignore. |
ignore_users | list | List of user names to ignore. |
Ignore multiple hosts or users matching array of basic regex values:
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:context:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:context:*' bg_color "navy"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:context:default' ignore_users ".*matt.*" ".*raff.*" "root"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:context:ssh' ignore_users ".*matt.*" ".*raff.*" "root"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:context:sudo' ignore_users "root"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:context:*default' ignore_hosts ".*"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:context:sudo' ignore_hosts ".*"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:context:*:sep' text "@"
Today's date.
Element | Description |
dow | Day of week |
dom | Day of month |
month | Month |
year | Year |
Attribute | Type | Description |
elements | list | List of elements to display in module. Formatting characters can be added as "elements". See examples. |
verbose | boolean | Full or condensed output for element |
Extra formatting characters like comma space and slash are allowed as "elements" in the array
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:date' elements "dow" " " "day" "/" "month" "/" "year"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:date:*:dow' verbose "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:date:*' elements "dow" " " "month" " " "day" ", " "year"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:date:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:date:*' bg_color "blue"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:date:*' verbose "true"
Current working directory.
Mode | Description |
readonly | Mode if user doesn't have write permissions on directory |
Element | Description |
element | Normal part of path |
last | Last element in path |
shortened | Element that has been shortened |
Attribute | Type | Description |
absolute | boolean | Use absolute path |
bookmarks | list | mapping of named directories of the form "name=PATH" |
bookmark_patterns | list | List of patterns to turn into named directories. |
shorten_length | integer | Maximum length of directory element name. Auto for dynamic. |
shorten_string | string | String to add to shortened elements |
last_count |
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*' bg_color "blue"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*' absolute "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*' bookmarks "apollo=$HOME/apollo-zsh-theme"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*' bookmark_patterns "/home/*/*/html;/html"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*' last_count "5"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*' shorten_length "auto"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*' shorten_string ""
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*:sep' text "/"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*:sep' style "bold"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*:sep' fg_color "green"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*:element' style "bold"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*:last' style "bold"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*:last' fg_color "red"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*:shortened' style "bold"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:dir:*:shortened' fg_color "grey30"
Stupid little slots game.
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:game:*' bg_color "darkblue"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:game:*' fg_color "white"
Git repository information.
Element | Description |
local_branch | Local branch name |
remote_branch | Remote branch name |
ahead | Commits ahead remote |
behind | Commits behind remote |
commit_hash | Commit hash |
action | Current repository action if any |
staged | Staged file count |
unstaged | Unstaged file count |
untracked | Untracked file count |
stash_count | Number of stashes |
blacklist1 | Directory is blacklisted |
1 This is not valid in the element list below. Its purpose is to allow for displaying a string when user is in a blacklisted directory.
Attribute | Type | Description |
elements | list | List of elements to display |
hash_length | integer | Length of hash to display. Default is 8 |
ignore_submodules | boolean | Ignore modifications to submodules |
blacklist | list | List of directory patterns to ignore |
whitelist | list | List of directory patterns to explicitly allow |
simple | boolean | Returns no text, so any "text" attributes set are used instead. |
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*' elements "local_branch" "action" " " "commit_hash" " " "remote_branch" " " "staged" "|" "unstaged" "|" "untracked" "|" "stash_count"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*' bg_color "black"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*' blacklist ".*"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*:blacklist' text "This is a git dir"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*::left:label' text "git "
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*::left:label' fg_color "blue"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*' fg_color "yellow"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*:local_branch' fg_color "green"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*:action:left:label' text " "
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*:remote_branch' fg_color "red"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:git:*:untracked' fg_color "purple"
Current PHP version.
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:php_version:*' fg_color "grey93"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:php_version:*' bg_color "fuchsia"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:php_version:*:left:label' text "PHP "
Display public IP address.
Element | Description |
curl | Retrieve IP using curl |
dig | Retrieve IP using dig |
wget | Retrieve IP using wget |
Attribute | Type | Description |
methods | list | List of methods to retrieve IP info (dig, curl, wget) |
host | string | Hostname to poll for ip info |
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:public_ip:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:public_ip:*' bg_color "darkgreen"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:public_ip:*' methods "curl"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:public_ip:*:curl' host "icanhazip.com"
Show warning when over disk quota.
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:quota:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:quota:*' bg_color "red"
Display sudo/root status.
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:root_indicator:*' fg_color "yellow"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:root_indicator:*' bg_color "black"
Display exit/return status of last command.
Mode | Description |
bad | Mode when return code is abnormal |
Attribute | Type | Description |
verbose | boolean | Display signal name as well as code |
pipe_status | boolean | Display pipe exit codes |
always_show | boolean | Show when exit code is 0 |
simple | boolean | Returns no text, so any "text" attributes set are used instead. |
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:status:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:status:*' bg_color "green"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:status:*' always_show "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:status:*' pipe_status "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:status:*' verbose "true"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:status:*' bg_color "red"
Version control information provided by vcs_info. This covers a wide variety of version control systems. If you only use git, you'll likely prefer the dedicated git module above. Note that this uses the vcs_info function, so you can also configure that directly following the documentation here. The zstyles for it require a user-context, and for that you will need to use 'apollo-vcs' for the settings to impact this module.
Element | Description |
vcs | Name of version control system |
branch | Branch name |
repo_name | Repository name |
action | Current vcs action if any |
base_dir | Base directory of repo |
sub_dir | Current subdirectory of repo |
misc | Varies depending on vcs |
revision | Revision/commit hash |
staged | Staged changes |
unstaged | Unstaged changes |
blacklist1 | Directory is blacklisted |
1 This is not valid in the element list below. Its purpose is to allow for displaying a string when user is in a blacklisted directory.
Attribute | Type | Description |
elements | list | List of elements to display |
blacklist | list | List of directory patterns to ignore |
whitelist | list | List of directory patterns to explicitly allow |
zstyle ':apollo:apollo:*:*:vcs:*' elements "vcs" "branch" "action" "staged" "unstaged" "repo_name" "misc"
zstyle ':apollo:apollo:*:*:vcs:*:(branch|action|staged|unstaged|repo_name|misc):left:label' text ' '
zstyle ':apollo:apollo:*:*:vcs:*:branch' fg_color "green"
zstyle ':apollo:apollo:*:*:vcs:*:staged' text S
zstyle ':apollo:apollo:*:*:vcs:*:unstaged' text U
zstyle ':apollo:apollo:*:*:vcs:*:blacklist' text "vcs"
zstyle ':apollo:apollo:*:*:vcs:*:blacklist' fg_color "green"
Show current keymapping mode when using Vi key bindings.
Mode | Description |
insert | Insert mode |
visual | Visual mode |
normal | Normal mode |
replace | Replace mode |
Element | Description |
mode | Mode text element |
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:vi_mode:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:vi_mode:*' bg_color "grey30"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:vi_mode:insert:mode' text "INSERT"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:vi_mode:visual:mode' text "VISUAL"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:vi_mode:normal:mode' text "NORMAL"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:vi_mode:replace:mode' text "REPLACE"
Show Python virtual environment name.
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:virtualenv:*' fg_color "white"
zstyle ':apollo:example:*:*:virtualenv:*' bg_color "blue"
This project was developed by myself and for myself, and because of this it's lacking in themes and modules that others might be interested in. I've written guides on creating these here:
Module Guide
Theme Guide
If you write a module or theme and think others might enjoy it, by all means open a pull request for it.
Due to other interests and obligations, the amount of time I'm able to devote to this project is limited. Because of this, there is no official support. I am however happy to help within my availability and encourage bug reports and feature requests, as well as identification of areas that are not sufficiently documented.