Michael Palazzo
Michael Palazzo
@nikhitasharma - I found a keyboard navigation issue while testing the colspan enhancement. Using the arrow keys to navigate the cells in the example. When I use right arrow or...
@nikhitasharma - This is making good progress. While testing keyboard navigation and with JAWS I encountered a few issues. The keyboard navigation issues occur with and without JAWS. I will...
@nikhitasharma - This is working much better now. All the navigation issus I called out above are resolved. I found 1 issue with the End key. When I navigate to...
@nikhitasharma - All keyboard interactions and screen reader announcements are working as required. Great work! One minor observation about the column span with header actions example. The labels of the...
@nikhitasharma - I validated keyboard navigation and JAWS using the Edge browser. Everything is working as required. The issue in the column actions example where the button label does not...