Mark Jordan
Mark Jordan
Just for kicks I ran the PHPUnit tests on Windows just now (running 0d64935d9d51df4220a60fc6fd8a5552b24758fb) and got the following failures. These same tests pass on Linux and OSX. I ran these...
Just grepped through the wiki files for ` grep "Required" * | grep "Must be" ` and got the following list: ```* class: Required. Must be 'Cdm'.* record_key:...
I spent 20 minutes yesterday figuring out why MIK was core dumping, and it was because I didn't have the required `preserve_content_filenames` option in my .ini file. Also was helping...
~~@MarcusBarnes I also think that the Compound Batch module can ingest correctly named datastreams. Is that correct?~~ Edit, 2016-11-06: If we can preserve relationships expressed in RELS-EXT (see below), we...
Just a note - we'll need a way of updating the PIDS in RELS-EXT to preserve relationships between the migrated objects once they get into the destination Islandora.
I can no longer replicate this problem. Can anyone else?
We may be able avoid updating PIDS and reuse the source objects' PIDs. See for more info.
Hm, I confirmed this today on Windows at work, but `-cc` works fine on my linux laptop. Will confirm again tomorrow and rename this isssue if it's specific to Windows.
It's specific to Windows: ``` php -c php.ini mik -c alping.ini -cc all ERROR: Unable to parse option -c: Expected an argument ```
Not only can we retain the source objects' PIDs, we can also batch ingest their RELS-EXT datastreams (although there is an issue with duplicate RDF statements). See for an...