Mark Jordan
Mark Jordan
I've found a fix, or at least a way of avoiding the issue: commenting out `opcache.enable_cli=1` in php.ini.
This might do the trick: I just used it in our Summit migration, it was very useful.
@bondjimbond did this work for you? If so, can you close this issue?
@nkrabben coincidentally I'm currently playing with something I call [BagItLD]( Just some half-baked ideas at this point, but they do suggest one way of extending bag-info.txt tags beyond simple key:value...
If you converted your YAML to JSON, would it be illegal to store the resulting JSON as the value of a bag-info.txt tag like `PREMIS-document`?
True, JSON as values in tags is against the line-length recommendation and is very ugly.
I think this is more to do with using `TIF` as an extension that using a period. The validation error is coming from Coincidentally I opened a PR (#496)...
Sorry, my logic is wrong. Change the extension to `tif` and try using periods as separators.
@bondjimbond when you say "can also", are you saying that it behaves differently across runs of MIK with the same input data?
Could you zip up all your data and config files and send them to me so I can try to replicate that?