Sharif-Judge copied to clipboard
I Can not Add Assignments and Problems.
Hello every body. I'm beginner. Yesterday I install Sharif-Judge to Open Server.
Sharif-Judge is working. But I can not Add problems to assignment.
please help me!
you add by clicking "+", and below you give some parameters e.g. name of problem, max score or available languages. Then in problems view, on the top, you have edit buttons, you can choose between markdown, html (with GUI editor) or plain html. If you write problem in markdown, and try to edit it by html, there is no more option to get back to markdown.
If you will need any assistance, write to us, we'll try to help c:
Kindly Regards
When I send codes, Status is Pending! in log wtire File not found.
Please help me. How I can use for Local Server?
You must find out where is folder named "tester" and in settings page you should set path to this folder, and give 0777 permissions for tester folder. Tell if I helped U. Kind regards
i have not Linux system.
you see, this judge is dedicated for unixes, and you'd better host it on vmware or virtualbox
Please write step by step
i install ubuntu on vmware now
Do you have Facebook account?
yep, but I prefer GIT c: you'd better buy a VPS with debian 8 when you'll buy, write me Kind regards c:
Salom. Baxodir94 men sharif judge ni o'rnatdim lekin yangi topshiriq joylashtira olmadim. shu bo'yicha yordam kerak.