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A curated list of awesome things related to FastAPI

Results 15 awesome-fastapi issues
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Hi Michael, I would like to add another project of mine: a Cookiecutter for spinning up quickly a FastAPI application.

The MultiPy image project grew out of a pull request to the fastapi uvicorn/gunicorn containers. The images are directly compatible with the FastAPI images with one major improvement- they are...

@Kludex brought up a good point: How should unmaintained projects be handled? Some ideas: - Should we set a flag on the line to mark that it's unmaintained? - Should...

Added [Fastapi-SQLA]( to the list in the ORM section in alphabetical order. ## Why is it awesome? 1. It support latest SQLAlchemy development and best practices: [asyncio support](, [2.0 syntax](,...

Saffier is an ORM that work well with any python async framework

[CloudEvents]( integration for FastAPI See the PR from one year ago

See for details

Closes #161 Re-opened PR as the timeframe of active library maintenance should now meet the requirements of this list.