obsidian-global-hotkeys copied to clipboard
Both hotkeys are not working after latest 0.1.2 update
I had this https://github.com/mjessome/obsidian-global-hotkeys/issues/2 issue before. I wrote a comment there explaining the issue. Shortly speaking, the hiding part worked in the "Show/Hide Obsidian" hotkey, but the showing part didn't.
This issue was supposed to be fixed in 0.1.2 update. Unfortunately, it didn't; in some way, it works even worse than before.
- "Show/Hide Obsidian". 1.1. It no longer hides the window from the screen, but is simply "hiding" (brings to the background) it behind all the other windows. If there are other windows occupying the same space, one could theoretically claim that the window is hidden. But not really. It doesn't work if there are no other windows occupying the same monitor space. It doesn't work if I want to access my desktop for example. Or if I want to hide the window altogether due to privacy concerns. 1.2. It doesn't bring the window up to the foreground. Nor does it make Obsidian visible if the window was minimized.
- "Bring Obsidian to front" doesn't work at all.
The bug issue aside, there seems to be a different understanding as to how this plugin should operate. My view is that:
- If the Obsidian window is active (the focus, the cursor is in it), "Show/Hide Obsidian" should minimize the Obsidian window to the taskbar.
- If the Obsidian window is not active (it is in the background and not visible, or it is visible but not activated, or if it is minimized in the taskbar/tray) the "Show/Hide Obsidian" should bring it up to the foreground and make active. Thos must work even if Obsidian was minimized/moved by some other means but this plugin (so should take into account the real OS status of window and not just have an internal plugin-specific status toggle).
- "Bring Obsidian to front" = Do 2 if Obsidian is not active, do nothing if it is.
Same here, especially for "Show/Hide Obsidian"
me too. I just use v0.1.1
Still bugged.
For me, Hide Obsidian works but Show doesn't, and neither does Bring to Front