Michael Cumming
Michael Cumming
I can confirm that this is not working from Jython
From my review of the code, we see a new device arrive via the output from UpnpControlDiscoveryParticipant.java and then a communication lost output from UpnpHandler.java at line 414. I am...
Here is the output after disabling and enabling the thing. If I restart openhab the device will come back online for awhile before seeing the error above. `2024-04-12 20:02:10.665 [DEBUG]...
My thermostat does not have an auto mode - is this an installer setting or a limitation of my thermostat? The code shouldn't be hard to change
Found the option for auto change over ie auto in the installer menu. There are commands to set the heat and cool setpoints - I don't understand what isn't working?
Still don't understand - there are separate commands for reading/setting heat and cool setpoints. So when does this issue appear?
This looks like a great way to solve for location in 3D. I have a few more ESP32's on the way and will try and see if there is a...
If you do a PR, I'll add it to the release code.
Interesting observations. Certainly fits with what I am seeing. When I restart this bundle openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration jUPnP from the console, the devices come back on line.