vim-htmldjango_omnicomplete copied to clipboard
htmldjango filetype omnicomplete - completes template tags/filters/variables
Vim htmldjango autocomplete
I have a YCM version of this plugin that is still seeing some updates.
An omnicomplete tailored to django templates "tags/variables/filters/templates"
Repo: git://
( Note the screenshot is from the youcompleteme rewrite found here
1. Filters
{{ somevar|a<c-x><c-o>}} should complete 'add' , 'addslashes'
2. Tags
{% cy<c-x><x-o> %} should complete 'cycle'
3. Load statements
It also should grab any libs you have {% load tag_lib %} in the file.
Although it needs them in INSTALLED_APPS.
{% load <c-x><c-o> %} will complete libraries (eg. 'cache', 'humanize')
4. template filenames
{% extends '<c-x><c-o>' %} will list base.html ... etc
5. url complete
{% url <c-x><c-o> %} should complete views and named urls
6. super block complete
eg {% block c<c-x><c-o> %} to complete 'content' or something defined
in an extended template.
7. static files complete
eg {% static "r<c-x><c-o>" %}
<script src="{% static "<c-x><c-o>" %}" /> - completes js files in static
<style src="{% static "<c-x><c-o>" %}" /> - completes css files in static
<img src="{% static "<c-x><c-o>" %}" /> - completes img files in static
8. optional variable name completion (placeholder)
{{ s<c-x><x-o> }}
will complete any maps defined in the python htmldjango_opts['variable']
dict list. See below for info.
Where possible info panels show the functions __doc__. Most of the
internal ones are decent.
1. I like pathogen/Vundle clone into ~/.vim/bundle directory.
Alternately just stick the vim file in your ~/.vim/autoload/ dir.
2. in .vimrc set the omnifunc Eg.
au FileType htmldjango set omnifunc=htmldjangocomplete#CompleteDjango
3. Optional: At the moment you need to force a html flavour for htmlcompletion
in .vimrc
let g:htmldjangocomplete_html_flavour = 'html401s'
:verbose function htmlcomplete#CheckDoctype for DocType details
'html401t' 'xhtml10s' 'html32' 'html40t' 'html40f' 'html40s'
'html401t' 'html401f' 'html401s' 'xhtml10t' 'xhtml10f' 'xhtml10s'
'html5' if you have html5.vim
4. matchpair notes
This plugin uses matchpair and needs to be inside a closed django tag.
This is fine if you are using snipmate. Also you might want auto
closing maps such as follows.
au FileType htmldjango inoremap {% {% %}<left><left><left>
au FileType htmldjango inoremap {{ {{ }}<left><left><left>
django needs to be in sys.path along with DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in your
To test...
:python import django
should not result in an error
:python from django.conf import settings; print settings.INSTALLED_APPS
:python from django.conf import settings; print settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS
should show the apps template dirs you need
I've only tested this on a mac with vim 7.3 and django 1.4