libweb-gtk icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
libweb-gtk copied to clipboard

A cross-platform webview for GTK (GTK wrapper for Ladybird's LibWeb engine)

LibWeb for GTK

LibWeb is the SerenityOS Browser Engine that powers the ladybird browser.

It's a new, independent, and portable browser engine that is making incredible progress.

LibWebGTK is akin to WebKitGTK in that it wraps LibWeb for embedding inside GTK based applications.

A screenshot of the LibWebGTK sample browser on the Ladybird Browser announcement blog post


This is not production ready so use at your own risk.


Interested in contributing? Start a discussion and let's get in touch!


Clone the repo and check out submodules

git clone ...
git submodule update --init --recursive

Command Line

Make a new directory Build in the repository root.

From inside that directory, run:

cmake .. -GNinja
ninja run demo-browser

CLion Setup

Open the project in CLion and load the CMake file in the repository root.

Find the run configuration named run, edit it, set demo-browser as the executable.

You are now ready to build and run libweb-gtk.


On macOS, you will also need icu4c in your path. Set the following environment variable

# Intel

# M1

You can do this in your CMake profile in CLion, or as part of your .zshrc.



On macOS, there is no gdb. Instead, use ninja debug-lldb.


Available under the same licence as SerenityOS (BSD 2-Clause).