
Results 24 comments of mjaggard

@cbyrneee Is this project abandonware? I'm thinking I should move my code to something more well supported. What did you end up doing?

It is available elsewhere https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/khttp/khttp but I think the lack of reply for almost a year and the out of date documentation tells you what you actually need to know.

I've just found that I can fix it using ``` cucumber.publish.quiet=true cucumber.object-factory=lv.ctco.cukes.core.internal.di.SingletonObjectFactory ``` I think better documentation is needed to show that cucumber.properties cannot be overridden despite what the advert...

> spring-boot PR related to the issue: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/pull/15951 Related yes, but doesn't fix this issue - that PR was included in the releases where I've seen this behaviour.

@larsgrefer https://github.com/freefair/gradle-plugins/commit/6314b6da5697b03f71adc82f9652f66fbb93dd55 This commit doesn't completely solve the problem for me. After this commit if I make zero changes to my source at all then I get > Task :api-v1:generateEffectiveLombokConfig...

> Task ':api-v1:generateEffectiveLombokConfig' is not up-to-date because: > Input property 'paths' file /path/to/MyClassName.java has changed.

I'm not sure I fully understand, but doesn't the effective Lombok config only depend on files called lombok.config and those imported by it? I'd assumed that no java classes needed...

Oh, of course sorry. I forgot that Lombok configuration can be per directory. Thank you.

> Hey, @dbyron-sf. Karen's out on PTO, but we plan to talk about this during standup tomorrow to see if there's any update before she returns. For those outside the...

I came here to make a very similar request. I was hoping for a button to "Show SQL in Query view" which would take the current view of data, based...