WikiBrain copied to clipboard
Studying collective memories of internet users using Wikipedia viewership statistics
UPDATE: the latest version of implementation for Anomaly detection in Web and Social Networks paper is available here.
To run the code, you will need to pre-process Wikipedia pagedumps and pagecounts. To do that, follow the instructions.
Once you have pre-processed the dumps, you can run the algorithm using spark-submit
from the sparkwiki repository that you've used for dumps pre-processing. See an example of the command below:
spark-submit --class ch.epfl.lts2.wikipedia.PeakFinder --master 'local[*]' --executor-memory 30g --driver-memory 30g --packages org.rogach:scallop_2.11:3.1.5,com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.11:2.4.0,com.typesafe:config:1.3.3,neo4j-contrib:neo4j-spark-connector:2.4.0-M6,com.github.servicenow.stl4j:stl-decomp-4j:1.0.5,org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1,org.scalanlp:breeze_2.11:1.0 target/scala-2.11/sparkwiki_<VERSION OF SPARKWIKI>.jar --config config/peakfinder.conf --language en --parquetPagecounts --parquetPagecountPath <PATH TO THE OUTPUT OF PagecountProcessor> --outputPath <PATH WHERE YOU'LL HAVE RESULTING GRAPHS WITH ANOMALIES>
Parameters explained:
--class ch.epfl.lts2.wikipedia.PeakFinder
--master 'local[*]' [use all available cores]
--executor-memory [amount of RAM allocated for executor (30% of available RAM)]
--driver-memory [amount of RAM allocated for driver (40% of available RAM)]
--packages org.rogach:scallop_2.11:3.1.5,
org.scalanlp:breeze_2.11:1.0 target/scala-2.11/sparkwiki_<VERSION OF SPARKWIKI>.jar
--config [path to config file where you specify parameters of the algorithm]
--language [language code. You can choose any language code but you should have a graph of a corresponding language edition of Wikipedia]
--parquetPagecountPath [path to the output files of ch.epfl.lts2.wikipedia.PagecountProcessor]
--outputPath [output path where you will have your graphs with anomalous pages]
Also, we have implemented a very intuitive and concise (but inefficient) Python implementation for practitioners to provide overall understanding of the algorithm. More details here.
In this repository, you can find an implementation of the graph learning algorithm presented in Wikipedia graph mining: dynamic structure of collective memory. The learning algorithm is inspired by the Hebbian learning theory.
We also reported the results with interactive graph visualizations in an accompanying blog post.
To reproduce the experiments, download the dataset from .
Clone this project and extract the downloaded .zip files to /src/main/resources/
in Globals.scala
to the path to this project on your computer.
If you want to reproduce just a part of the experiments, download pre-processed data from here and unzip the files into PATH_RESOURCES
. This should be enough to run most of the scripts in this repository.
Runing the experiments
Open WikiBrainHebbStatic.scala
and run the code (Shift+F10 in Intellij Idea).
You may have to change your Spark configuration according to RAM availability on your computer.
val spark = SparkSession.builder
.master("local[*]") // use all available cores
.appName("Wiki Brain")
.config("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "20g") // change this if needed
.config("spark.executor.memory", "50g") // change this if needed
Resulting graphs
You will find the resulting graph graph.gexf
. This file can be opened in Gephi.