dokuwiki-plugin-mdpage icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dokuwiki-plugin-mdpage copied to clipboard

A DokuWiki Plugin for Markdown Page

Markdown plugin for DokuWiki

CircleCI Maintainability Test Coverage

This plugin is abandoned. Only, PRs are welcome.

Installation / Usage


Report a bug / Contribute a fix

See Contributing Guide.

Release flow

  1. Bump the date of
  2. Run ./scripts/push-release-tag.bash [VERSION]
  3. Fix lastupdate on
  4. Wait deploying and update the release note for new version


This work is dual-licensed under the Apache 2.0 License and the GPL 2.0 (or any later version). You are free to pick which one suits your needs.

Notice: DokuWiki is licensed under the GPL 2.0. This license cannot be compatible with the Apache 2.0 License and the GPL 3.0. See also: .