Mizunashi Mana
Mizunashi Mana
@Yaco Thanks for the report. This plugin depends https://github.com/cebe/markdown for reducing maintain costs. Unfortunately, since https://github.com/cebe/markdown is not supported footnotes, this plugin cannot render well them. This is an upstream...
@Yaco I will support it if will be accepted by https://github.com/cebe/markdown.
@Jonathan-Richards @legofarmer Thanks for reports. Could you give me any reproducible page contents?
@jonathan-golorry Thanks for examples. > The "edit" button next to each header doesn't seem to respect markdown sections properly. Unfortunately, this is not a bug but is according to the...
@brzGatsu Thanks for requesting. > One thing that would be crucial for us is a markdown toolbar and (less important) a live preview like the markdownextra plugin provides. I didn't...
@brzGatsu I understood. Thanks for more detail. I'll research whether I can provide any implementation, and report the result to this issue as soon as possible.
@brzGatsu Hi! I researched for this. Toolbar: I may implement this feature soon. Wait a minite. And, I separated this issue to #38 . Live preview: This is more difficult...
@iocampomx Thanks for the report. I need more information. How do you install this plugin? I do not have any troubles on Debian 10, Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.3. The...
@iocampomx I see. You can use https://github.com/mizunashi-mana/dokuwiki-plugin-mdpage/raw/release/plugin-package.tar.gz for manual installation, and you always can get this URL by the "Download" link on https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:mdpage which is used by DokuWiki's Extension Manager;...
@iocampomx Thanks for feedback. > Hi @mizunashi-mana, the plugin-package.tar.gz file should be extracted in a folder instead of on the self directory. I do not support this for compatibility as...