Mizunashi Mana

Results 34 comments of Mizunashi Mana

I upgraded OSX and met same issues. I think this is the Mojave's issue. https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues/29176 and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50780183/cannot-install-brew-on-mojave-with-xcode10 was described details. Perhaps, the reason is no appearance of any Command Line...

@madumlao macOS uses libreSSL (which is older version). However, PHP requires OpenSSL. So, we should install openssl manually for php-build on macOS. In my case, I use Homebrew to install...

@madumlao I see. I didn't know that homebrew detection codes already exists in php-build. However, https://github.com/madumlao/php-build/tree/osx-zlib seems to be too customized for me. I tests https://github.com/madumlao/php-build/tree/osx-zlib, when I have times....

@madumlao I will report https://github.com/phpenv/phpenv/issues/90#issuecomment-429632930 on https://github.com/php-build/php-build/issues/538, because I think this is not related Mojave's issues. For @madumlao and all of phpenv/php-build users, I summarize my research: * Now, php-build...

My suggestion is that we should report and contribute to [PHP team](https://github.com/php/). And, we should recommend to use `macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg` for a while. Do @debo try to use `macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg` ? Reasons...

I sent a patch to PHP team: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/3616 .

Also see https://github.com/php-build/php-build/issues/543#issuecomment-435907626

I get same problems. Maybe, related https://github.com/atom/node-runas/issues/21 And, there are some deprecated issues on this repository. I think we should specify using `pathwatcher` version.

@guillaume-nargeot OK, I modified my changes to refer to guillaume-nargeot/codecov-haskell#12 My changes provide below searching flows: 1. If `use-stack-cov` enabled, only using stack coverage reports 2. Both `tix-dir`/`mix-dir` provided, use...