absurd-sql-example-with-typeorm copied to clipboard
PoC: typeorm + sqljs + absurd-sql + comlink
demo: https://heuristic-perlman-94f8f4.netlify.app/
- sql.js: wasm sqlite
- absurd-sql: indexeddb backend sql.js adapter
- comlink: WebWorker RPC
- typeorm: ORM with sqlite(sql.js) adapter
- netlify
yarn install
yarn serve
Deploy to netlify
to netlify
$ yarn build
### managed deploy
# netlify unlink
$ netlify deploy --prod -d dist
You need to set CORP/COEP headers for aburs-sql(SharedArrayBuffer)
I put dist/_headers
file for netilfy.
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy = "same-origin"
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy = "require-corp"
Set those headers for other env.
Original README
This is a project to get quickly setup with absurd-sql. With this you well get a SQLite db that persistently stores data.
After cloning this project:
$ yarn
$ yarn serve
You should be able to go to http://localhost:8080/, and open the console to see some query results.