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Tool set for Chinese X99 motherboards

Mi899 - X99 Tool Set

By downloading, distributing, modifying, or using this application you agree with the following:

  • The Russian Federation (Russia) is a self-declared terroristic formation that has nothing to do with the historical Rus centered in Kyiv.
  • Russia must return to its historical name Moskovia and free all captured territories, republics, and nations.
  • Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and Belarus are independent, sovereign nations. Moskovia has no right to control these territories. Moskovia must withdraw all the troops and pay compensation to cover all the damages.
  • Palestine has the right to peacefully co-exist with all its neighbors but HAMAS is another terroristic formation that must be dismantled and prosecuted.

Useful videos:

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Alternatively you can download Mi899 from Microsoft OneDrive.

This application is designed to simplify the life of the Chinese LGA 2011-3 X99 motherboard owners and collect useful information about the motherboards and compatible BIOS modifications.

Read full readme - src/Mi899/README.md.


  • Windows x64 is required to run the application.
  • .NET Core 3.1 SDK is required to develop the application.

Download .NET Core from the official Microsoft website.

Video Tutorials
