Checklist: - [x] I have read [freeCodeCamp's contribution guidelines](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org). - [x] My pull request has a descriptive title (not a vague title like `Update index.md`) - [x] My pull request...
# freeCodeCamp 贡献指南 欢迎来到开源摘星计划-freeCodeCamp 贡献专栏 。freeCodeCamp 中文社区已加入开源摘星计划,该计划提供奖励以鼓励你加入我们的社区:所有参与本项目贡献的开发者都可获得相应贡献积分、奖励以及被评选为年度摘星100 人的机会,活动及奖励详情请见:[开源摘星计划](https://github.com/weopenprojects/WeOpen-Star)。 📅活动时间:2022年5月-12月 ## 🌟关于 [freeCodeCamp](http://chinese.freecodecamp.org/) > freeCodeCamp.org 成立于 2014 年,是全球最大的开源公益编程教育社区,以“帮助人们免费学习编程”为使命,在成千上万名志愿贡献者的帮助下,创建了大量优质的编程教程,包括可以自定学习进度的交互式课程、视频课程、专栏文章等,内容涵盖 JavaScript、Python、SQL、数据科学等等——所有内容向公众免费开放。每天有数百万人在 freeCodeCamp 学习,超过 4 万名学员找到了自己的第一份开发者工作,改善自己的生活。学员们在世界各地自发成立数千个学习小组互相帮助。 ### **以下是项目可参与的方向:** 1. 我们列出了适合首次加入 freeCodeCamp 社区的贡献者的问题、适合对项目有足够了解的贡献者的特殊 issue 挑战(参见下面的列表)以及一些社区日常任务。如果你愿意解决,请点击该...
Checklist: - [x] I have read and followed the [contribution guidelines](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org). - [x] I have read and followed the [how to open a pull request guide](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/#/how-to-open-a-pull-request). - [x] My pull...
Checklist: - [x] I have read and followed the [contribution guidelines](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org). - [x] I have read and followed the [how to open a pull request guide](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/#/how-to-open-a-pull-request). - [x] My pull...
Checklist: - [x] I have read and followed the [contribution guidelines](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org). - [x] I have read and followed the [how to open a pull request guide](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/#/how-to-open-a-pull-request). - [x] My pull...
Checklist: - [x] I have read and followed the [contribution guidelines](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org). - [x] I have read and followed the [how to open a pull request guide](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/#/how-to-open-a-pull-request). - [x] My pull...
Checklist: - [x] I have read and followed the [contribution guidelines](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org). - [x] I have read and followed the [how to open a pull request guide](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/#/how-to-open-a-pull-request). - [x] My pull...
Checklist: - [x] I have read and followed the [contribution guidelines](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org). - [x] I have read and followed the [how to open a pull request guide](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/#/how-to-open-a-pull-request). - [x] My pull...
Checklist: - [x] I have read and followed the [contribution guidelines](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org). - [x] I have read and followed the [how to open a pull request guide](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/#/how-to-open-a-pull-request). - [x] My pull...
Checklist: - [x] I have read and followed the [contribution guidelines](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org). - [x] I have read and followed the [how to open a pull request guide](https://contribute.freecodecamp.org/#/how-to-open-a-pull-request). - [x] My pull...