AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream copied to clipboard
Allow using proxy argument in http_request
I've setup a script to launch many instance of AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream with differents parameters such Twitter user, track query, ... . I would like to use a different proxy per instance.
So i tried to add this patch to, but it doesn't work.
47d44 < my $proxy = delete $args{proxy}; 159d155 < proxy => $proxy, # ['','3128']
If i understand correctly, http_request method is part of AnyEvent::HTTP ( which allow to use a proxy param. For me it doesn't work.
But if i declare AnyEvent::HTTP::set_proxy "proxy-url" at the beginning of the class AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream, it works. If i declare it anywhere in the new method of the same class, it fails.
One other important point. If the proxy part was correctly handled by http_request, i should get at least an error, like this one : 595 - errors during connection etsbalishment, proxy handshake.
But i don't get anything, and i see no traffic on my HTTP Proxy.
Thank you