Michiel van Oudheusden

Results 96 comments of Michiel van Oudheusden

I m not sure what you mean with shown in container log. Can you explain more? Running inside or outside a docker container should not matter. Either it outputs to...

As we do detect which version we are running (or at least can indicate this), we should be able to support this specific field. Care for a PR?

Did you dispose the logger? You need to close and flush the sinks at the end/closing of application. It has an internal buffer so it needs some time or an...

I advice you to look at the sample located here: https://github.com/serilog/serilog-sinks-elasticsearch/blob/dev/sample/Serilog.Sinks.Elasticsearch.Sample/Program.cs You introduce a very complicated way of applying configurations and logging while there is so much simplicity already available...

There is already a static Log.Logger available, so use that one. For the buffer size, you can configure that to flush after each message, but that is not recommended.

Unfortunately the durable part is different from the main logic. Which is annoying and we are looking into options to remove it #254

Hard to see why it is rejecting this. Can you see from the ES logs why it is returning a 400?

The purpose is to somehow store the lost events to some other location, not directly handle the underlying exception. That exception will be the same for all the event that...

Looks like something useful based on the feedback. Care for a PR?