plotterfun copied to clipboard
Add button 'Copy SVG to clipboard'
It would be useful to copy the generated SVG to the clipboard instead of saving it, because pasting the SVG into the target program is much quicker...
This could be useful:
I also figured out, that the order of the attributes is important in function 'resetSVG()':
Old: mainpath.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "stroke-width: 2px; fill: none; stroke: " + (config.Inverted?"white":"black"))
New: mainpath.setAttributeNS(null, "style", "stroke:" + (config.Inverted?"white":"black")+";stroke-width:0.2mm;fill:none;")
Otherwise I get '2px' as color name - strange. Some how a bug inside c# XElement.
My working code for copy to clipboard looks like this:
function copytoclipboard(){
const svgString = '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>\r\n' //<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">\r\n'
+ (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(svg);
Sure, I could add this.
It's suspicious if the style depends on the order. They're separate properties so I wouldn't have thought it would matter - unlike, for instance, CSS border, which is a shorthand for a bunch of border properties, so it's conceivable that setting a new border could overwrite an earlier, more specific border-color. But SVG stroke and stroke-width are separate.
What are you pasting the SVGs into?
Yes it is really wired, I assume it depends on C# XElement, because i can't find a problem in my code ;-) I paste SVGs to my