Mitul Golakiya
Mitul Golakiya
I got like what you are trying to do. And I think now all your files are generated at proper places/paths given in `config/generator.php`. so like what's the problem ?...
@iz5clj, I got the bug and will fix it and will include it in next release. Meanwhile you can [publish your custom templates]( and can fix it in `resources/api-generator-templates/Scaffold/Views/search.blade.txt`. You...
I have just done a new release v1.3.3. Check and let me know if its working fine.
In coming new version, we want to make search better with optional and simple and advanced search functionality. so placed it on hold as of now.
I can't find Gist.
@butoibogdan, You can find this file in generator's code in your vendor directory. [Here]( is the file.
@anheru88, It's already there and you can pass a field input like this: `user_id:foreign:references,id:on,users` But you have to give input for `user_id:integer` first. so you have to specify user_id two...
@ahpetrot, Testing is already in queue but I will also take inline documentation in roadmap.
@Bubblebuzz, it's already in roadmap to make it like Laravel Generator Extended by laracasts.